News and Updates
Board of Directors Meeting – February 27, 2024
Board Meeting – On February 27, 2024, President Mulston called to order the meeting of the Board of Directors (Board) of Reston Citizens Association (RCA) at 5:57 pm. This was a dinner meeting at Hidden Creek Country Club. Attendees were Lynne Mulston,...
RCA Meeting with Supervisor Alcorn
NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release Reston Citizens Association Meeting with Supervisor Alcorn February 27, 2024 – Reston, VA - Reston Citizens Association (RCA) Board of Directors met with Fairfax County Supervisor Walter L. Alcorn to cover matters of mutual interest...
Board of Directors Meeting – January 23, 2024
Board Meeting – On January 23, 2024, President Mulston called to order the meeting of the Board of Directors (Board) of Reston Citizens Association (RCA) at 7:30 pm. This was a hybrid meeting with selected participants attending in person and three participants...
RCA Board Resolution: SB-675 Casino gaming; eligible host localities.
WHEREAS the Reston Citizens Association recognizes the importance of citizen engagement in the land use decision-making process, and preserving the quality of life in Fairfax County; and WHEREAS Reston Citizens Association has long supported the protection of...
Board of Directors Meeting – December 5, 2023
Board Meeting – On December 5, 2023, President Mulston called to order the meeting of the Board of Directors (Board) of Reston Citizens Association (RCA) at 7:31 pm. This was a hybrid meeting with selected participants attending in person and one participant...
Attachment No. 1: Task force releases recommended concept for Reston Town Center North facilities
NEWS Task force releases recommended concept for Reston Town Center North facilities Fatimah Waseem November 21, 2023 at 2:30pm Reston Town Center North (courtesy Hunter Mill District Office) After several months of uncertainty about the future of Reston Town Center...
RCA Position Statement on Homelessness
The causes of homelessness are often misunderstood, making it difficult for common sense solutions to be implemented. Solutions that address the impact of mental health issues, drug addition, joblessness and a lack of affordable housing can deliver...
Attachment No. 2: Testimony of Reston Citizens Association (Saturday, January 6, 2024)
Good morning. My name is Lynne Mulston and I serve as President of Reston Citizens Association. Reston Citizens Association is opposed to any efforts to develop a casino in Reston. This plan first surfaced last winter during the Virginia General Assembly session and...
Board of Directors Meeting – October 16, 2023
Board Meeting – On October 16, 2023, President Mulston called to order the meeting of the Board of Directors (Board) of Reston Citizens Association (RCA) at 7:30 pm. This was a hybrid meeting with selected participants attending in person and other participants...
Introducing Citizens Opposed to Reston Casino
Over the past month, news reports surfaced of renewed interest and efforts by Comstock to develop a casino in Reston. The Patch has done extensive reporting on the issue, and take my word for it, the threat is real! Reaction to this news from our local elected...