Board Meeting – On February 27, 2024, President Mulston called to order the meeting of the Board of Directors (Board) of Reston Citizens Association (RCA) at 5:57 pm.  This was a dinner meeting at Hidden Creek Country Club.

Attendees were Lynne Mulston, President; Gary Maupin, Vice-President; Joe Leighton, Treasurer; Shawn Endsley, Secretary; Connie Hartke; Dennis Hays; Rich Hoffmann; and Gerald Volloy.  Michele Silver was ill and unable to attend.  President Mulston determined that a quorum of 8 of 9 members was present and the meeting could proceed.

There was one guest – Walter L. Alcorn, Supervisor, Hunter Mill District, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors (BoS).

Adoption of Agenda – President Mulston asked for adoption of the agenda.  Upon motion made by Treasurer Leighton, and seconded by Vice-President Maupin, the Board unanimously approved the proposed agenda.

Approval of Minutes – President Mulston asked for approval of the minutes of the January 23, 2024, Board meeting.  Upon motion made by Director Hoffmann, and seconded by Director Volloy, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the January 23, 2024, Board meeting.

Approval of Treasurer’s Report – President Mulston then asked for approval of the Treasurer’s Report.  Upon motion made by Vice-President Maupin and seconded by Secretary Endsley, the Board unanimously approved the Treasurer’s Report.

Welcome Special Guest – Supervisor Walter Alcorn – President Mulston then introduced the special guest, Walter L. Alcorn, Fairfax County Supervisor for the Hunter Mill District.  President Mulston then provided a brief biography of Supervisor Alcorn for the benefit of the Board.  Supervisor Alcorn was elected to his 2nd term as Fairfax County Supervisor.  Supervisor Alcorn has lived in the Hunter Mill District for over 30 years.  Previously, he had served on the Fairfax County Planning Commission for 16 years.  Supervisor Alcorn had worked on the rewrite of the Tysons Corner Comprehensive Plan and during his 1st term as Supervisor had overseen the rewrite of the Reston Comprehensive Plan.

Director Volloy then shared the following comment with Supervisor Alcorn which reflected the sentiments of the Board: I want to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your fidelity to the will of the people you represent, demonstrated by both your articulate, informed, and impactful opposition to a casino in Reston and your commitment to retaining Reston’s open space.

In anticipation of Supervisor Alcorn’s visit President Mulston had shared the following seven questions with Supervisor Alcorn:

  1.  The County Executive indicated that the County faces a $284.5 million shortfall in its Fiscal Year 2025 budget.  Has the BoS challenged the County Executive to find cuts and efficiencies to reduce that shortfall and hence the requirement for increased taxes?
  2. The County Executive has proposed a budget that includes a 4¢ increase in the property tax rate that could increase residents’ tax bill by as much as $524 per year.  Given that property values continue to rise in the Hunter Mill District that increase is most probably too low.  What cost saving requirements will the BoS consider to reduce or to mitigate that increase to the benefit of the residents of the Hunter Mill District.
  3. Do you believe that simply giving more money to Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) will yield better educational outcomes?
  4. FCPS will adopt its proposed budget on February 22nd and the Joint County/School Budget Committee will discuss the budget and tax rate on February 27th.  According to an article in The Patch the FCPS budget request is the largest increase in school funding since Fiscal Year 2007.  Will the BoS require FCPS to undertake efficiency measures to reduce and/or mitigate this impact on the residents of Fairfax County?
  5. What criteria will you use to evaluate the 4 Site Specific Plan Amendments (SSPAs) that will be reviewed with the residents of the Hunter Mill District on March 4th?  Do you feel these will ultimately be approved?
  6. What actions would you suggest that RCA take to fight the proposed casino bill that will be reintroduced in the 2025 session of the legislature.  While the current bill has substitution language that excludes Reston, do you think that a casino location in Reston will be resurrected in 2025?  Is it likely that the Board of Supervisors might remove a casino from consideration in Fairfax County before the bill resurfaces in 2025?
  7. We see that Reston Association is planning to set up a Land Use Committee.  Do you see that Committee interfacing with Reston Planning & Zoning?  Besides Commissioner Carter, are there others within your office that can help us ensure that Reston’s Planning Principles and Design Guidelines are respected when initial designs are being presented?

These seven questions focus on 4 areas:  :  (1) Continued opposition to a casino in Fairfax County; (2) a review of Fairfax County budget matters including the proposed increased in the property tax rate and the transfer dollar amount to the FCPS; (3) the process for the SSPAs to the Reston Comprehensive Plan; and (4) organizational coordination among the various citizen groups within the Hunter Mill District.

Prior to discussing the questions noted above Supervisor Alcorn provided his comments, observations, and insights on the casino bill (SB 675) deferred to the 2025 session of the Virginia Legislature.  Supervisor Alcorn noted that SB 675 did not have to be reintroduced in the 2025 session of the legislature as the bill would be carried over to the 2025 session.  In response to question 6 Supervisor Alcorn recommended that the Board continue to build coalitions to defeat SB 675 in the legislature.

Supervisor Alcorn noted that dealing with this year’s budget would be difficult.  He noted that the budget was receiving scrutiny greater than in past years.  He noted that the BoS is prevented by law from dictating how the transfer to FCPS will be spent. 

With respect to SSPAs Supervisor Alcorn noted that he will review the requests with an open mind but noted that negative impacts on green space create a high bar for review and approval.

Supervisor Alcorn observed that there are various civic and professional organizations within the Reston and Hunter Mill District.  There is no current method for coordination and cooperation.  Supervisor Alcorn felt that there is an opportunity for a coordinating body to be established and ensure that these organizations do not work at cross purposes. 

President Mulston thanked Supervisor Alcorn for his time and willingness to engage with the Board on issues impacting the residents of Reston.  President Mulston and Supervisor Alcorn agreed to continue to communicate on these and other matters impacting the Hunter Mill District.

Other Business – Director Hartke proposed a motion to approve the attached information guide on the Reston Community Center Tax for Small District 5 (see Attachment No. 1).  Vice-President Maupin seconded the motion.  The Board unanimously approved the motion to include the attached information guide on the Reston Community Center Tax for Small District 5.

Adjourn – President Mulston asked that the next meeting of the Board be scheduled for Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 7:30 pm.  Then at 8:05 pm President Mulston asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting and for a Board picture with Supervisor Alcorn.  Director Hays moved to adjourn the meeting with a second from Vice-President Maupin.  The Board unanimously approved the motion.