News and Updates
Learn About Reston’s Future! Community Forum This Thursday
Is Reston’s quality of life important to you? Wondering what effects the development around the Silver Line will have on our community? In the next two decades, Reston will almost double in size due to the development around the new Metro stations. 40,000 new...
Agenda for Joint Community Forum on Comprehensive Plan
Agenda for Joint Community Forum – RA, RCA, ARCH Reston Association, 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive October 17, 2013 Forum Facilitator – Ken Knueven, RA Board President 7:00 pm Welcome & Opening Remarks Ken Knueven, Reston Association President 7:05 pm Reston Special...
Looking Into Reston’s Future
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. Want to know what sort of changes are in store for Reston? Come to our community meeting, where RCA, RA and ARCH will tell you how the new Comp Plan will affect us - and how it could be...
Hunter Mill Community Meeting on Libraries
We have just learned that Supervisor Hudgins has scheduled another meeting to discuss the proposed changes to our County libraries. Information on the meeting is below. Mark your calendars, and make sure to show up and speak up to let the Supervisor know that we...
Joint Community Meeting on Phase 1 of the Comprehensive Plan
Please join RCA, Reston Association, and the Association of Reston Clusters and Homeowners (ARCH) for a community forum to discuss the progress of the Comprehensive Plan revisions for Phase 1 of the Reston Master Plan Special Study. Our three organizations will...
RCA Comment on V.6 and V.7 Comprehensive Plan Draft (UPDATED WITH V.8 COMMENTS)
UPDATE (10/7/13): This post has been updated with the latest version of RCA's comments, which includes Version 8 of the Comprehensive Plan. The subjects covered in our latest comments include walkability, design review, and RA membership fro new development. We have...
The Parking Problem at Wiehle Station
This post by RCA President Colin Mills originally appeared in Reston Patch. I hope you didn’t miss me too much; I didn’t post in this space last week. I had a very good reason for not posting: I got married on September 21st, and I was busy honeymooning when I...
RCA Leaders Appear on TV
Last week, RCA President Colin Mills and RCA Board member and Reston 20/20 co-chair Terry Maynard sat for an interview on Reston Impact. Colin and Dick spoke with host John Lovaas about what RCA's working on right now, and other topics it might address...
RA-RCA Joint Statement of Comprehensive Plan Principles
The following statement represents an agreement between RCA and Reston Association on what should be the guiding principles for the Phase I Comprehensive Plan, which is currently under consideration by the Master Plan Task Force. The RCA Board of Directors...
RCA Resolution on VDOT Sunset Hills Park & Ride Lot
Whereas, parking at the Wiehle Metro Station is essential, particularly during the 5 year period when Reston will be the end of the Silver Line. Whereas, during this period commuters from Western Fairfax and Loudoun will be competing with Reston residents for parking....