The following statement represents an agreement between RCA and Reston Association on what should be the guiding principles for the Phase I Comprehensive Plan, which is currently under consideration by the Master Plan Task Force.  The RCA Board of Directors unanimously approved the statement at its meeting on September 23, 2013.

1.  Reston Sustainability:  We believe that Reston encompasses all of the land within
the Transit Station corridor area. 
All new development in this area should be incorporated into either RA
or RTCA, according to their agreed upon membership boundaries.

2.  Environmental Sustainability:   Consistent with Reston’s history
of forward thinking on environmental stewardship and sustainability, we believe
that future development in Reston should meet the highest feasible
environmental standards, ranging from the protection or restoration of natural
amenities, to the use of the best environmental practices in development design
and materials.

3.  Flexibility: 
We appreciate the need for moderate flexibility in planning over a
two-decade timeframe, but we do not support Plan language that would allow
significant variation or increase from the density/intensity and land use mix
objectives laid out in the Preferred Development Scenario (Scenario G).  
 4.  Open
Spaces, Parks, & Recreation:
In order to sustain Reston’s existing character and reputation as a
model planned community, we believe the new Comprehensive Plan must assure the
provision of adequate high-quality, publically accessible open space,
parks,  natural areas, and
recreational facilities within the Phase 1 area, to accommodate Reston’s
residents and employees.

5.  Mobility: 
We believe the people of Reston must have reasonable cross-community
driving, biking and walking conditions, especially during peak periods, both
within and near the Phase 1 area. 
The following are crucial to maintain a balance between land use and
transportation:  (1) road, bicycle,
pedestrian and transit improvements; 
(2) transportation demand management (TDM) measures; and (3) adherence
to the Preferred Development Scenario mix of uses and maximum level  of development.

6.  Implementation: 
We believe the people of Reston must have strong guarantees that the
infrastructure needed to support the increased level of development and
continuation of Reston’s high quality of life  will be completed concurrently with development, and paid
for, on a fair, pro rata basis,  by
those who will profit from the development.

RCA and RA are working on a joint comment on the current Comprehensive
Plan draft, subject to approval by both organizations, which they hope to release in the next several days.