News and Updates
Remembering Reston’s Great Citizens
By RCA President Colin Mills Our New Town isn’t so new anymore. Next year, we’re going to celebrate Reston’s 50th anniversary. We’re a community with a real history now. And to our credit, we’ve been taking steps to recognize and preserve that...
Giving Thanks for Reston in 2013
By RCA President Colin Mills Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! It’s time once again to gorge ourselves on turkey, mashed potatoes, and mediocre football games. It’s time to battle the traffic and cold weather to gather together with our families and...
Submit Your 2013 Citizen of the Year Nomination Today!
Have you submitted your nomination for RCA's 2013 Citizen of the Year yet? Time is running out! If you know a deserving volunteer who has helped make Reston a better place, click the link below to get the form and make your nomination today. Click here to...
RCA Forms Working Group to Study Residential Studios Issue
In response to the comments and concerns received after endorsing the Fairfax Federation's resolution on Residential Studio Units (RSUs) in October, the RCA Board decided at its November meeting to establish a working group to study the RSU ordinance in depth and...
Minutes from October RCA Meeting
Location: Reston Community Center, Hunters Woods Present: Colin Mills, President; Terry Maynard, Secretary; Dick Rogers; George Kain; Connie Hartke; Tammi Petrine The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM. #1. Agenda Terry...
Agenda for November RCA Meeting
DRAFT Agenda RCA Board of Directors Meeting November 25, 2013 RCC Hunters Woods Item Time Topic Disposition Presenters 1 7:30 PM Adopt Agenda Action Colin Mills, RCA Board 2 7:35 PM Approve October 2013 Minutes Action Tammi Petrine 3 7:40 PM Treasurer’s Report;...
Virginia’s Building Code: Now More Accessible
by RCA President Colin Mills RCA is a locally-focused organization. Our primary goal, as our name suggests, is to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Reston. As a result, our projects are usually Reston-specific. Every once in a while,...
Letter from Terry Maynard to Planning Commission on Reston Comp Plan Revisions
The following letter was sent to the Planning Commission by RCA Board member and Reston 20/20 Committee co-chair Terry Maynard regarding the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for Reston. Terry's letter does an excellent job summarizing RCA's and...
Statement on Comprehensive Plan by Connie Hartke at Planning Commission Hearing, November 13, 2013
The following statement was delivered by RCA Board member Connie Hartke at the Fairfax County Planning Commission hearing on the proposed amendment to Reston's Comprehensive Plan on November 13, 2013. The Planning Commission voted to defer the decision on the...
Statement on Comprehensive Plan by Terry Maynard at Planning Commission Hearing, November 13, 2013
The following statement was delivered by RCA Board member and Reston 20/20 Committee co-chair Terry Maynard at the Fairfax County Planning Commission hearing on the proposed amendment to Reston's Comprehensive Plan on November 13, 2013. The Planning Commission voted...