News and Updates
RCA Leaders Interviewed on Reston Impact
Last week, RCA President Colin Mills and RCA Board member and Reston 20/20 analyst Dick Rogers sat down for an interview on Reston Impact, which airs on Reston Community TV Channel 28. Colin and Dick spoke with host John Lovaas about RCA's history, its current...
Virginia Secretary of Transportation Responds to RCA Letter
In February, RCA issued a letter raising questions about MWAA's plans to locate non-aviation-related commercial development at Dulles Airport near the planned Silver Line station. In the letter, RCA noted that MWAA s exempt from federal and state taxes, and...
RCA, Then and Now
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. Last week, fellow Board member Dick Rogers and I were interviewed on John Lovaas’s Reston Impact TV show (which runs on Channel 28). We talked about RCA, what we’re up to, and the...
Reston 2020 Examines the Rec Center Proposal, Office Space Planning Assumption in May
by Terry Maynard Reston 2020 continues to wrestle with a multiplicity of important current Reston community planning issues, including: • Improving revamped bus service for Reston when the Silver Line comes to Wiehle Avenue. • Improving access to the Wiehle Avenue...
Creating a More Aging-Friendly Community: A Call to Action!
This is not a Reston-specific event, but RCA believes it is of interest to our citizens, and we are presenting it as a public service. Fairfax County projects a dramatic increase in its older population. Between 2005 and 2030, the county expects the 50 and over...
RCA Pursues New Vision for Education
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. School’s almost out! This is an exciting and stressful time for a lot of school-age kids, including my daughter Leslie, who is finishing up the 6th grade at Sunrise Valley. ...
Honoring Friends of Accessibility: RAC’s Community Partner Awards
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. It’s a busy time for RCA! We’ve been engaged heavily in analysis and discussion about the RCC rec center proposal. We’re looking at the Comprehensive Plan language proposed...
Follow-Up Report – “Reston Bus Service: Good Work in Progress”
RCA’s Reston 2020 committee recently submitted its second report to the Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) and the Board of Supervisors regarding the county’s latest proposals for Fairfax Connector bus service when Silver Line Metrorail service...
RCA Raises Questions About RCC Rec Center Proposal
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. On Monday, at the RCA Board meeting, our primary topic of discussion was one of Reston’s hottest issues: the RCC proposal to construct a new rec center. It’s no surprise that this was one...
RCA Resolution on RCC Rec Center Proposal
At its meeting on Monday, May 20th, RCA passed the following resolution regarding the RCC rec center proposal: (1) RCA endorses and approves the RCA white paper, “The Reston Recreation Center Initiative: Unanswered Questions on Need, Facilities, Location, Financing,...