News and Updates
Statement on Comprehensive Plan by Colin Mills at Planning Commission Hearing, November 13, 2013
The following statement was delivered by RCA President Colin Mills at the Fairfax County Planning Commission hearing on the proposed amendment to Reston's Comprehensive Plan on November 13, 2013. The Planning Commission voted to defer the decision on the Comprehensive...
Searching for RCA’s Citizen of the Year
by RCA President Colin Mills Where has this year gone? I look at the calendar and see that it’s November, and yet it feels like 2013 just got started. The sands have been flowing through the hourglass faster than usual this year. One reason for that, I...
Planning Commission Hearing on Comp Plan TONIGHT!
Reston needs you! The Comprehensive Plan for Reston's transit station areas is going to the Planning Commission for a public hearing tonight. RCA believes the plan has several significant problems, especially in the areas of transportation, parks and...
Lake Anne Land Swap: Explore Parking Options to Protect Trees
by Connie Hartke The Reston Citizens Association has 7 founding principles. The first and last apply to our thoughts about the Lane Anne Land Swap: Fostering man-made and natural beauty Being a financial success as a community The Republic/Lake Anne Development...
RCA Resolution on Proposed RA Land Swap at Lake Anne
Whereas, the revitalization of the Lake Anne Village Center should make it a model for renewal of the Reston Village Centers, and, Whereas, the Reston Association (RA) and Lake Anne Development Partners (LADP) are proposing a land swap of a forested area of dedicated...
Small Apartments, Big Problems?
by RCA President Colin Mills Residential Studios. It sounds like a movie company, doesn’t it? Actually, it’s an idea under consideration to relieve the affordable housing crunch in Fairfax County. As you may know, the idea has stirred up a lot of...
A Tough Night for Reston
by RCA President Colin Mills Last night, four years of work on the Reston Master Plan Task Force came to a frustrating and disappointing conclusion. The Task Force voted to send the new Comprehensive Plan to the Planning Commission, starting it down the road to...
TONIGHT! Stand Up for Our Libraries
Supervisor Hudgins is hosting an important meeting tonight (see details below) on the future of our County Library system, including the proposed "Beta Plan" that would reduce staff and lower the professional requirements for librarians. RCA passed a resolution...
RCA Resolution On Residential Studio Units
Whereas, Fairfax County is currently considering an amendment to its Zoning Ordinance to allow for the construction of Residential Studio units, and, Whereas, the Fairfax County Federations of Citizens Associations passed a resolution on September 19, 2013 expressing...
RCA Resolution Opposing Current Comp Plan
Whereas a draft Reston Comprehensive Plan, including text regarding the Reston community’s vision and planning principles as well as more specific planning language for the development of its Transit Station Areas (TSAs), will soon be submitted to the County’s...