Whereas a draft Reston
Comprehensive Plan, including text regarding the Reston community’s vision and
planning principles as well as more specific planning language for the
development of its Transit Station Areas (TSAs), will soon be submitted to the
County’s Planning Commission for consideration, and
Whereas the draft plan
attempts to provide development guidance for transit-oriented development
(TOD), including specified overall densities and mixes of use, around the
community’s new Silver Line Metrorail stations, and
Whereas the draft plan
provides extremely limited guidance on assuring reasonable mobility
throughout the Reston community, especially by autos at gateway intersections
along its principal north-south and east-west corridors in the TSAs, and
Whereas the draft plan
provides no significant planning guidance for the development of parks and
facilities, especially athletic fields, consistent with the
County’s limited standards and Reston’s expectations, and
Whereas the draft plan
provides little guidance into the implementation of any of its plan
objectives, including phasing infrastructure improvements with development,
financing necessary infrastructure, or providing reasonable community oversight
to sustain the plan’s vision, and
Whereas the language in
the draft plan focuses on “flexibility” in its execution that brings the
achievement of the plans development density and mix goals as laid out in the
Preferred Development Scenario (Scenario G) into serious doubt,
We, therefore, resolve that:
  • The Board
    opposes the adoption of the draft Comprehensive Plan in its current form;
  • The Board
    requests that the Task Force and the County redress the major shortcomings laid
    out above; and
  • The Board
    directs its Task Force representative to vote against endorsing the current
    draft Reston Comprehensive Plan text.

Approved by the RCA Board of Directors by a unanimous vote of those
present at its October 28, 2013, regular board meeting.