News and Updates
RCA hosts Hunter Mill Supervisor Candidates’ Forum, April 23, 2019
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Reston Citizens Association Announces Candidate Forum to be held April 23 at Lake Anne Community Center March 26, 2019 - Reston, VA - Reston Citizens Association (RCA) will be hosting the candidates for the Hunters Mill Supervisor’s seat on the...
Coalition for a Planned Reston Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 14, 2019 The Coalition for a Planned Reston (CPR) appreciates the thoroughness and thoughtfulness with which the Fairfax County Planning Commission has dealt with the proposal to raise the population cap of Reston’s Planned Residential...
Sample Information to Organize Your Neighbors to Attend the 1/23 Public Hearing
A meeting we should all attend: WHAT: Fairfax County Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing Regarding Proposed Increase in Population Density WHEN: Wednesday, January 23, 2019, 7:00pm [NOTE: meeting is starting earlier than usual to accommodate the number of...
Attend the January 23 Public Hearing on Reston Density
On January 23, the Fairfax County Planning Commission is holding a Public Hearing on the proposed amendment to raise the Reston zoning density cap outside of the metro transit station areas. This amendment will facilitate high-rise growth in the Village Centers...
Letter to Planning Commissioners re: PRC Zoning Amendment
RESTON CITIZENS ASSOCIATION Founded 1968 January 10, 2019 Re: PRC Zoning Amendment Dear Members of the Fairfax County Planning Commission: The Reston Citizens Association (RCA) strongly urges the Planning Commission to reject the County staff's proposal...
The Folly of 15
Letter to the Editor published by RestonNow on 1/2/2019. Dennis Hays is the President of Reston Citizens Association. Fairfax County has proposed to increase the population cap of the Reston Planned Residential Community district (PRC) from the long-standing 13...
RCA Board of Directors Meeting – Agenda
December 4, 2018 7:30 - 8:45 pm National Realty/Hartke Building 11890...
CPR letter to Supervisor Hudgins re: PRC density increase
Coalition for a Planned Reston A voluntary group of residents from the Reston Citizens Association, Reclaim Reston, and Reston 20/20 November 29, 2018 Dear Supervisor Hudgins: The Coalition for a Planned Reston (CPR) is deeply concerned and dismayed by the...
County Board Approves Lake Anne Fellowship House Redevelopment
RCA followed this project closely. In 2014 we wrote: RCA feels it is urgent that the greater Reston community understands the implications of development on one of our Reston Comprehensive Plan ten Planning Principles which is “housing provided for all ages and...
Draft RCA Board of Directors Meeting – Agenda
September 24, 20187:30 - 8:45 pm National Realty/Hartke Building11890...