News and Updates

Thanks For Voting!

The 2013 RCA elections are now closed.  Thanks for all of you who took the time to vote!  The results have been handed off to the RCA Election Committee, which is responsible for validating and tabulating all of the votes cast.  The Committee will...

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published on Reston Patch. It's almost over.  Today is the last day for the RCA elections.   For the last two weeks, the citizens of Reston have been weighing in on who should represent them on the...

Report on RCA Meeting Regarding Wiehle Access

On July 3rd, RCA Board member Dick Rogers met with Paul Davis, staffer in charge of transportation issues for Supervisor Cathy Hudgins, to discuss the progress made on the issues identified in RCA's February white paper "Wiehle Metro Station Acccess: Congestion...

America: Land of the Free… And Involved

This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. Last week, I had my faith in America enewed in an unusual way: I was called for jury duty.  The call happens to most of us at some point, but this was the first time for me. ...

Report of Meeting with FCDOT On Soapstone Connector

In April, RCA's Reston 20/20 Committee published a white paper on the proposed Soapstone Connector over the Toll Road, proposing criteria that should be used to select the more effective alignment.  As a follow-up to the paper, RCA Board member Dick Rogers, along...

2013 RCA Elections Are Now Underway

This post by RCA President Colin Mills originally appeared in Reston Patch. It’s that time again!  The RCA elections start today, and I’m once again encouraging you to take a few minutes to cast your vote.  Your vote will help determine who will be...

Draft Agenda for June RCA Board Meeting

DRAFT Agenda RCA Board of Directors Meeting June 24, 2013 RCC Hunters Woods Item Time Topic Disposition Presenters 1 7:30 PM Adopt Agenda Action Colin Mills, RCA Board 2 7:35 PM Approve May Meeting Minutes Action Diane Lewis 3 7:40 PM Treasurer’s Report Action Diane...

Thoughts on Childhood, Risks, and the Fox Mill Tragedy

This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. Like a lot of you, my mind today is on the awful tragedy last night at Fox Mill Elementary, where a group of teenage boys were climbing around on the roof and one of them, Bennett...

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