News and Updates
Traffic Jam Ahead: Level of Service Explained
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. Last week’s post about office space per worker and its implications for Reston’s planning received a very favorable response. I was happy to take a complex subject and make it...
Office Space and Reston’s Planning
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. At last night’s Reston Master Plan Task Force meeting, we learned about the latest iteration of the Comprehensive Plan revisions proposed by County staff. Among the items discussed...
Recap of Understanding Urbanization Forum, July 22
On July 22, Reston Association and Supervisor Hudgins co-sponsored a forum on urban design and creating walkable communities. In case you missed it, an overview prepared by RCA Board member Tammi Petrine and Restonian Doug Pew is below. Introduction of symposium...
Minutes from June 24 RCA Board Meeting
Location: Reston Community Center, Hunters Woods Attendees: C.J. Basik, Sridhar Ganesan. Diane Lewis, Colin Mills, Terry Maynard, Tammi Petrine, Gary Walker, Gary Lee Thomas, Dick Rogers Visitor: Mike Collins (former RA North Point Board member and currently an...
RCA and the Reston Areawide Comprehensive Planning Process
RCA’s representatives to the Reston Task Force (RTF), Terry Maynard (primary) and Dick Rogers (alternative), have been working hard to represent Restonians’ views as the County’s planning staff presents proposed language to the task force. After each presentation of a...
Teaching Kids the Joy of Science
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published on Reston Patch. It’s funny sometimes, the connections you make in the community. Back in May, I participated in the One Reston walk in support of affordable housing at the Crescent...
Meet Accessibility Committee at Reston Farmer’s Market
Are you interested in learning more about the work of RCA's Reston Accessibility Committee? Then visit their booth at the Reston Farmer's Market at Lake Anne. They will be at the Market on Saturday, August 3rd from 8 to 11:30 AM. As you may...
RCA Gets Back to Work
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. And we’re back! As you may have read, I have been re-elected for another year as President of RCA. Thank you to everyone who voted for me; I’m grateful for your support. ...
Draft Agenda for July Board Meeting
DRAFT Agenda RCA Board of Directors Meeting July 22, 2013 RCC Hunters Woods Item Time Topic Disposition Presenters 1 7:30 PM Adopt Agenda Action Colin Mills, RCA Board 2 7:35 PM Approve June 2013 Minutes Action Colin Mills for Dick Rogers 3 7:40 PM Treasurer’s...
RCA Elections: Mills Re-Elected President, Six Other Directors Chosen
The Reston Citizens Association today announced the re-election of Colin Mills as President and the selection of six other Directors. Mills scored a solid victory over Gary Lee Thomas, a current RCA Board Director who will retain his seat as an At-Large...