News and Updates
RCA Stands Up Against Library Cuts
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published on Reston Patch. I love libraries. Anyone who knows me can attest that I’m a big-time bookworm, and I have been since I was a kid. The library was my candy store: all those books, representing...
RCA Resolution on Library Operations and Proposed “Beta Plan”
Whereas, world-class libraries are essential to Fairfax County’s economic competitiveness and attractiveness to potential residents and businesses, and, Whereas, Fairfax County spending per capita on public libraries dropped over 30% between FY 2007 and FY 2012, and...
Minutes from July Board Meeting
Minutes Reston Citizens Association Board of Directors Meeting July 22, 2013 Attendees: Colin Mills, Sridhar Ganesan, Connie Hartke*, Gary Walker, Tammi Petrine, John Hanley, George Kain*, Joe Leighton*, Terry Maynard, Gary Lee Thomas (*Newly-elected Board...
Agenda for August 26 RCA Board Meeting
DRAFT Agenda RCA Board of Directors Meeting August 26, 2013 7:30 PM RCC Hunters Woods Item Time Topic Disposition Presenters 1 7:30 PM Adopt Agenda Action Colin Mills, RCA Board 2 7:35 PM Approve June 2013 Minutes; Secretary Rotation Action Terry Maynard; John...
TAKE ACTION – Tell the Task Force to Change the Plan!
Send an Email Voicing Your Concern with the Task Force Plan! Send an email to: DPZRestonMasterPlanStudy@fairfaxcounty.gov If you're pressed for time (and who isn't?), then here's some boilerplate you can start with: Reston Task Force, I agree with the Reston...
Update on RCA’s Accessibility Committee
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published on Reston Patch. Sometimes the headlines don’t tell the whole story. Since RCA has gotten so much attention on planning-related issues the last few weeks, you might think that RCA is now working on...
Accessibility Committee Recognizes Reston Hospital and South Lakes Village Center
On August 14, 2013, RCA’s Reston Accessibility Committee (RAC) presented its 2013 Universal Access Leadership Awards at the Rotary Club meeting at Hidden Creek Country Club. The Universal Access Leadership Award recognizes members of the business community who...
Open Letter to Restonians on the Danger in the Reston Master Plan Proposal
Dear Fellow Restonians, As RCA’s representative to the Reston master planning task force, I want to bring you up to date on this four-year effort that is nearing a destructive result for Restonians’ quality of life in December. RCA has been an active and positive...
RCA Criticizes Draft Task Force Plan
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published on Reston Patch. If you weren’t at Tuesday night’s Master Plan Task Force meeting, you missed a show. The Task Force was discussing the latest iteration of the proposed Comprehensive Plan prepared...
RCA Statement to Task Force on Draft Comprehensive Plan
As Tuesday night's Reston Master Plan Task Force meeting, RCA representative Terry Maynard read a statement expressing RCA's objections to the current draft of the Comprehensive Plan being considered by the Task Force. Terry's statement is reproduced below. To...