News and Updates

Welcoming Our New Board Members

By RCA President Colin Mills Remember a few weeks ago, when I mentioned that RCA planned to fill open seats on the Board?  I am happy to report that we received applications from some highly qualified and impressive candidates.  At Monday’s Board meeting, we...

RCA Appoints 3 New Board Members

At its February 24th meeting, the RCA Board of Directors appointed new members to fill three At-Large vacancies on the Board.  After advertising the vacancies publicly, the Board interviewed the applicants and made its selections.  The following three...

Approved Minutes from January RCA Meeting

RCA Board of Directors Meeting January 27, 2014 Hunter Mill Governmental Center Attending: Colin Mills, President John Hanley, VP Terry Maynard, Secretary Joe Leighton, Treasurer Sridhar Ganesan Tammi Petrine Dick Rogers Gary Lee Thomas Gary Walker Absent: Connie...

Agenda for February RCA Meeting

REVISED DRAFT Agenda RCA Board of Directors Meeting February 24, 2014 Community Room, North County Government Center Item Time Topic Disposition Presenters 1 7:30 PM Adopt Agenda Action Colin Mills, RCA Board 2 7:35 PM Approve January 2014 Minutes Action   ...

Staying Involved In Reston’s Future

By RCA President Colin Mills Last week, the Board of Supervisors approved the revised Comprehensive Plan for Reston, paving the way for the development around the future Silver Line stations to begin in earnest.  The new mixed-use, transit-oriented development...

Application Period for Board Vacancies Now Closed

Thank you to everyone who applied to fill the vacancies on the RCA Board!  The deadline for accepting applications is now past.  The RCA Board is in the process of reviewing the applications.  At the next RCA Board meeting (February 24th at 7:30 PM at...

RCA Citizen of the Year Ceremony Set for March 10th

Everyone is invited to a ceremony honoring 2013 RCA Citizen of the Year Kathy Kaplan, which will be held on Monday, March 10th at 7:30 PM at RCC Hunters Woods.  The ceremony will feature remarks by RCA President Colin Mills, as well as RCA Board member Terry...

RCA Looking For A Few Good Board Members

By RCA President Colin Mills As you know, I’m a fan of snowy days, like the one we're expecting tomorrow.  I hope you all remain warm and safe throughout.  But once the cars and the walk have been shoveled, the snowmen have been built, and the day’s sledding...

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