News and Updates
Agenda RCA Board of Directors Meeting September 22, 2014
Item Time Topic Disposition Presenters 7:30 PM Adopt Agenda Action RCA Board 7:35 PM Approve August 25, 2014 Minutes Action Nick Georgas 7:45 PM Approve Treasurer’s Report Action Joe Leighton 7:50 PM Guest: Tim Thompson, President,...
by RCA Board Member - Dennis Hays On September 14th the Friends of Fairfax Libraries held a Forum to discuss ways to better advocate for the preservation and strengthening of the County's twenty-three libraries. Various speakers urged advocates for the...
Reston Master Plan Phase II Meeting – Review the “Strawman” Sat. 9/13/14
RCA received a press release notice from Supervisor Hudgin's office on Friday that contains an important reminder for the community: "Supervisor Cathy Hudgins and the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Zoning are hosting a community meeting to present a working...
Reston Community Center (RCC) Candidates Forum on September 8
All Reston property owners in Small Tax District 5 will be asked to cast votes for your preference on who will represent us on the RCC Board of Governors. Voting starts September 12 and ends October 3. The County Board of Supervisors then appoints the new...
AGENDA – 8/25/2014 Board Meeting
RCA Board of Directors Meeting August 25, 2014 National Realty Building Item Time Topic Disposition Presenters 7:30 PM Adopt Agenda Action RCA Board 7:35 PM Approve June 30, 2014 Minutes Approve July 28, 2014 Minutes Action Nick Georgas 7:45 PM...
RCA Letter to Supervisors Hudgins, Chairman Bulova on Reston Master Plan Process, August 2, 2014
Reston Master Plan Special Study Phase II
Last Friday was the deadline to submit comments for Phase II of the Reston Master Plan Special Study. Terry Maynard summed up the thoughts we hear most often in his cover letter to the County: “A theme that runs throughout these coordinated comments is that Restonians...
A Thank You to All of RCA’s Volunteers
by RCA Board Member Connie Hartke An all-volunteer organization such as RCA faces the same challenge as volunteers everywhere. We take vacations, many have day jobs, some have young folks in their lives; some have eldercare responsibilities. Life events happen. ...
RCA Election: Sridhar Ganesan Elected President Together With New Board Members
Reston Citizens Association (RCA) today announced the election of Sridhar Ganesan, who was elected to RCA’s Board from Reston’s North Point District, as President and the election of four other directors to its Board for the year 2014-15. John Hanley, Hunters Woods...
President Colin’s Farewell
By RCA President Colin Mills This is it. After three years as President of the Reston Citizens Association, having written weekly about community issues for Reston Patch and Reston Now since August 2011, this is my final column. RCA is in the process of...