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RCA Board of Directors Meeting 04/25/16

RCA Board of Directors Meeting April 25, 2016 National Realty Building Those attending included: Connie Hartke, Nick Georgas, Sridhar Ganesan, George Kain, Yavuz Inanli, Annmarie Swope, John Hanley, Joe Leighton, Robin Hogan, Hank Schonzeit, Dennis Hays Absent were:...

Call for Candidates for RCA Board

Reston Citizens Association (RCA) today announced elections between May 20 and June 20 for four district seats on its board of directors.  Restonians interested in joining the RCA Board are invited to file completed candidate forms by May 13, 2016.   The...

RCA Board of Directors Meeting, March 28th Minutes

RCA Board of Directors Meeting March 28, 2016 National Realty Building Those attending included: Connie Hartke, Nick Georgas, Sridhar Ganesan, George Kain, Yavuz Inanli, Annmarie Swope, John Hanley, Joe Leighton, Lynne Mulston, Robin Hogan,  and Geoffrey Lewis...

RCA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – February 22, 2016

RCA Board of Directors Meeting February 22, 2016 National Realty Building Those attending included: Connie Hartke, Hank Schonzeit, Nick Georgas, Sridhar Ganesan, Dennis Hays, George Kain, Yavuz Inanli, and Annmarie Swope, John Hanley, Joe Leighton, and Geoffrey Lewis...

Agenda RCA Board of Directors Meeting

March 28, 2016 7:30 - 9:30 pm National Realty/Hartke Building, 11890 Sunrise Valley Dr, Reston, VA Item Time Topic Disposition Presenters   7:30 PM Adopt Agenda Action RCA Board   7:35 PM Approve February 22, 2016 Minutes Discuss posting of past minutes...

Agenda RCA Board of Directors Meeting

February 22, 2016 7:30 - 9:30 pm National Realty/Hartke Building, 11890 Sunrise Valley Dr, Reston, VA Item Time Topic Disposition Presenters   7:30 PM Adopt Agenda Action RCA Board   7:35 PM Approve January 28, 2016 Minutes Discussion and Action Geoff Lewis...

Nominations Open for 2015 Reston Citizen of the Year Award

by John Hanley, RCA Citizen of the Year Committee Chair Reston Citizens Association has opened nominations for the 2015 Reston Citizen of the Year Award. The tradition of honoring the Reston Citizen of the Year began in 1976, and was reintroduced in 2008 as a way to...

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