For Immediate Release
Reston Citizens Association Meeting with Supervisor Alcorn
February 27, 2024 – Reston, VA – Reston Citizens Association (RCA) Board of Directors met with Fairfax County Supervisor Walter L. Alcorn to cover matters of mutual interest in the Hunter Mill District.
To start Director Gerald Volloy expressed the sentiments of RCA by thanking Supervisor Alcorn for his fidelity to the will of the residents of the Hunter Mill District through his articulate, informed, and impactful opposition to a casino in the Hunter Mill District and his commitment to retaining Reston’s open space.
RCA and Supervisor Alcorn discussed four areas of mutual interest: (1) Continued opposition to a casino in Fairfax County; (2) a review of Fairfax County budget matters including the proposed increased in the property tax rate and the transfer dollar amount to the Fairfax County Public Schools; (3) the process for the Site Specific Plan Amendments to the Reston Comprehensive Plan; and (4) organizational coordination among the various citizen groups within the Hunter Mill District. RCA and Supervisor Alcorn agreed to communicate on these and other matters impacting the Hunter Mill District.
Supervisor Walter Alcorn and RCA Board of Directors

(Left to Right Dennis Hays, Connie Hartke, Shawn Endsley, Gary Maupin, Supervisor Walter Alcorn, RCA President Lynne Mulston, Gerald Volloy, Rich Hoffmann, and Joe Leighton. Missing Michele Silver.)
About Reston Citizens Association
Reston Citizens Association (RCA) is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 corporation serving over 60,000 people who live in Reston. Founded in 1967, RCA is the only community-wide, non-partisan, and action-oriented organization in which everyone that lives, works, and plays in Reston has a voice.
Media Inquiries: Lynne Mulston, President, Reston Citizens Association (703) 662-1687