RCA Board of Directors Meeting
 November 23, 2015
National Realty Building
Those attending included: Connie Hartke, Hank Schonzeit, Nick Georgas, Sridhar Ganesan, Dennis Hays, George Kain, Robin Hogan, Yavuz Inanli, and Annmarie Swope, John Hanley, and Geoffry Lewis
Absent were: Lynne Mulston and Joe Leighton
Guests were: Terry Maynard
  1. Agenda – Based on a motion by Dennis and a second by Hank the agenda was unanimously adopted by those in attendance.
  1. October 26th RCA Meeting Minutes – The October 26th, 2015 minutes were discussed and a few changes still need to be incorporated. The revised minutes will be circulated via email as Sridhar, Connie, and Annmarie provided revisions. 
  1. Treasurer’s Report – Based on a motion by Dennis and a second by Hank the treasurer’s report previously circulated by Joe via email was unanimously approved by those in attendance. 
  1. Rescue Reston – Connie announced the success in the court hearing of the Golf Course Case and the temporary lull in the proceedings. Northwestern Mutual has until December, 4th to file an appeal. The clock has note started for the 30 days in the Virginia Supreme Court. The paint and sip has been moved to March 10th, 2016. There is also a fundraiser with postcards with some of the proceeds being donated to the Rescue Reston fund. Robin reminded the group to use the Amazon link for getting a portion of money from Amazon purchases to be donated to Rescue Reston. 
  1. RTC North Redevelopment – Dennis discussed the results of the meeting on Friday, November 13th with RA (Cate Fulkerson and John McBride). Reston Association seems committed to retaining rights to RA control over the land. For 99 years there might be a covenant for 10 acres of the land to remain as open space. Dennis brought up two main points – does the county not realize the potential legal wrangling needed to get this approved, also why can there not be a comprehensive plan for this overall use. The third issue is FAR and open space related – where does all of the development go? Currently the development seems to be on only 7 and 8. There is a 1974 deed that is out there that governs the land what can or can’t be done with it. What leverage do we have with Fairfax County in terms of input and influence on the processes. How can we get RA to support or opine on the Library and Homeless Shelter issue? Publicize certain aspects of the covenant in order to test public support for the issue. Can we ask Fairfax County for the list of qualified developers? Next step is to attend meeting on the 4th with the County and to continue working with RA on determining what is going to happen in the land area. RCA needs to strategize for the next steps to gauge public reaction to the development proposal. 
  1. Reston Regional Library – Dennis discussed there has been no progress in appointing a new library director. Fairfax County is still reviewing candidates in an effort to fulfill the role. There is a new library trustee director (name) appointed for the. The Library Friends will meet with her.
  1. Education Updates – Annmarie discussed federation education committee and a guest speaker to discuss their priorities for the year. The portrait of the graduate is a priority – making sure students are prepared when they graduate. (include link). The other focus s closing the achievement gap and the roll of technology in the classroom. One strategy for closing the achievement gap is community centers with wrap around services. Key education milestone will be the January Budget Meeting. The second meeting update was from the APEC and making recommendations for high school advanced placement. There will be a renewed focus on business partnerships in an effort to provide additional funding. Sridhar gave an update on the budget task force recommendations and the public meetings held. There will be a January presentation of the final recommendations but there is still time to give public feedback on the FCPS website. 
  1. St. John’s Wood – Annmarie reached out to Brian with Cooley for the plans for the new plans presented to RA on October 19th. There was a community meeting that was not well publicized. Turnout was good from the community given the shot notice. There were several new concerns including traffic impact, access onto Center Harbor Road, impacts to Aldrin Elementary due to losing teachers. There is also a proffer impact of what can be done to help out Aldrin during construction. Next step is to await next draft of language from the county and reaction prior to December 21st meeting. 
  1. Transportation – Connie spoke about the Reston Network Analysis presented on November 9th by FCDOT. There are several roads in question as part of the study. (Include link to the document if possible from Connie.)
  1. Communications Plan – Sridhar has requested dates from the Board on when they plan to take action and write within the various areas.  
  1. Other Business
  • George is pursuing the Reston Township issue again to determine what me might be able to do. It is a collaborative effort amongst multiple people. 
  • Terry mentioned the South Lakes expansion and the stormwater runoff issue. There has been positive progress with an upcoming meeting to determine if more remediation or control is needed. 
  1. Location and Time of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be January 25, 2016 at 7:30 at the Hartke Building. George made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Annmarie seconded it. The motion was unanimously approved by all those in attendance.