VA, May 5, 2014 – The Reston Citizens Association (RCA) announced changes to
its election process and governance structure that will bring it more in line
with other Reston-based organizations and position RCA for continuing its
active role in Reston. 
in 2014, the President of RCA will be elected by its Board of Directors instead
of being elected directly by Reston citizens during RCA’s annual elections held
in June of every year.  At its first
meeting after every annual election, the RCA will now elect the President, who
must be a Director who has served on the Board for at least a year. As in the
past, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer will also be elected at this
the President will continue to serve a one-year term at the pleasure of a new
Board, RCA has changed the terms served by its elected directors from the
current two-years to three-year terms. 
President Colin Mills said, “The Board has been evaluating changes to its
electoral process to best enable RCA’s mission of supporting and recommending
smart growth solutions for Reston.  After
many months of consideration, the Board amended its bylaws to reflect these
changes as of the 2014 elections.” 
Ganesan, who currently serves on the RCA Board from the North Point District of
Reston and led the amendments to the RCA bylaws said, “The planning and
implementation of various important developments in Reston such as the Silver
Line Metro Rail, Baron Cameron Park Master Plan Revision, and various phases of
Reston Master Plan redevelopment span multiple years. These changes to the
terms served by the board and the election of the RCA President bring more
continuity, consistency and stability to the Board and its committees so RCA
will be better able to research, analyze and inform the public and advocate for
the community.”
RCA Board will continue to have 13 seats representing four Districts and
At-Large positions as before, but those seats have been divided into three
groups that will each come up for reelection as a class. 

call for
announced by RCA, and more information about the election can be found on RCA’s