John Hanley (1942-2020) 
RCA mourns one of our longtime Board members, John Hanley, who passed away at his home in April. John joined RCA in November 2009 and continued to serve until his passing. He served for many years as RCA’s Vice President, and was one of our chief liaisons to the Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations. He played a vital role in considering the nominations and planning the ceremonies for RCA’s Citizen of the Year award. He took a great interest in land use and planning, and he played a critical role in shaping RCA’s position on those issues. He had lived in Reston since 1996 with his wife Faith, and was a devoted husband and father.
John was a great believer in the power of conversations, and of forming connections through open dialogue and mutual understanding. One of his key initiatives was to strengthen RCA’s connections with other Reston organizations, especially Reston Association and the Alliance of Reston Clusters and Homeowners (ARCH). John believed strongly that Reston’s civic organizations worked better when they worked together, and he took the lead in helping RCA seek out and foster those connections. His willingness to pursue conversations and build connections helped raise RCA’s profile and influence in the community.
Those of us who knew and worked with John will remember him for his kindness, generosity, and his sense of humor. He was always happiest to conduct business and share stories over a good meal and a glass of fine wine. He was a perceptive observer of human nature and of organizations, and his insights served RCA very well over the years. The lessons he learned from his long and colorful life made him a wise counselor, a great raconteur, and a loyal friend.
John was a strong advocate for Reston, and he never hesitated to step up and do what the community needed. Whenever we needed someone to write letters, make phone calls, or attend meetings to support an important cause, John was always among the first to volunteer. He generously hosted meetings and strategy sessions at his lovely home. He freely gave his time and energy toward making Reston a better place to live, work, and play.
John was a great friend and colleague to all of us at RCA, and to those who serve the community throughout Reston and beyond. We miss him greatly, but his memory and his example will always be a blessing to us. Our thoughts go out to Faith, his son Liam, and the rest of his family during this difficult time.
John’s obituary appeared in the Washington Post on Sunday, May 3rd. You can see it and learn more about John’s life here: