via email 10/7/2019

Chairman Peter Murphy
Vice Chairman James Hart
Commissioner John Carter (Hunter Mill)

Dear Chairman Murphy, Commissioner Hart, Commissioner Carter,

I am writing to urge you to vote to defer the Campus Commons proposal when it comes before you on Thursday, 10 October.  I remain deeply concerned over how pedestrians will safely cross Wiehle to reach the Metro, the impact of the 6,000-plus new vehicular trips per day that this project will generate, and the height and impact on neighboring areas of the 26-story residential tower proposed for the site.  

Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, my goal is not to prevent this proposed project from being completed.  However, I fear that it is being rushed forward before key uncertainties about these three issues can be resolved and collaborative solutions reached among all key stakeholders. 

My attached letter provides more specifics about my concerns and outlines why I would respectfully ask that you vote to defer this proposal on Thursday evening.

Thank you for your consideration.

Donna R. Gough
Reston, VA

cc:  Commissioner James Migliaccio
Commissioner Timothy Sargeant
Commissioner Ellen Hurley
Commissioner Julie Strandlie
Commissioner Walter Clarke
Commissioner Philip Niedzielski-Eichner
Commissioner Donté Tanner
Commissioner Mary Cortina