Board Meeting – On September 24, 2024, President Mulston called to order the meeting of the Board of Directors (Board) of Reston Citizens Association (RCA) at 7:31 pm. This was an in-person meeting and Zoom.
Board Member attendees: Lynne Mulston, President (Zoom); Shawn Endsley, Vice-President (in person); Joe Leighton (in person), Treasurer; Michele Silver Secretary (in person arrived at 7:40pm); Connie Hartke (in person); Jerry Volloy (in person); Rich Hoffmann (in person); and guest Sophia Lundgren (Zoom).
Dennis Hays, Stephanie Oliver and J Oriesha were absent.
Other attendees included: Sophia Jungenberg special committee member working with Reston Strong.
Given a quorum of members were in attendance, President Mulston determined the meeting could proceed.
Adoption of Agenda
At 7:30pm, President Mulston asked for adoption of the agenda. Upon motion made by Vice President Endsley and Director Hoffmann seconded. Treasurer Leighton asked for an amendment to the agenda to add a vote on the Federation dues. President Mulston added the noted item as a sub-item for motion under the Treasurer’s report. All Board members voted in favor of the agenda with the added sub-item to the Treasurer’s report.
Approval of Minutes
President Mulston made the motion to defer the approval of the minutes given some updates needed to be made.
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
President Mulston asked for adoption of the Treasurer’s report. Vice President Endsley made the motion, which was seconded by Director Hoffmann. The Board unanimously approved the Treasurer’s report. Treasurer Leighton made the motion to approve the Fairfax Federation dues of $60, which was seconded by Director Hoffmann. All Board members voted in favor of paying the dues.
Transportation Updates
On the Wiehle Avenue study, Director Hoffmann remarked that things were stable with the Wiehle Avenue project and that there has not been much activity since the last meeting. Director Hoffmann did state that he asked Fairfax County staff when they were releasing their preferred alternative, a meeting date, and reaching out to commuters. Director Hoffmann also asked if Fairfax County staff were not going to reach out to commuters, how RCA may be able to do so. Director Hoffmann had not yet received a reply.
Director Hoffmann and Director Maupin met with Fairfax County Planning Commissioner, John Carter. One item that Director Hoffmann clarified to Mr. Carter was that the County was not keeping the same number of lanes at the Wiehle intersection and Sunset Hills. Rather, they would have some middle lanes serve a dual purpose, i.e., turn or stay straight. Vice President Endsley reiterated that the intersection is a heavily used intersection by pedestrians. Director Hoffmann said he would let the RCA know when he heard back from the County.
Regarding the Soapstone Connector project, Director Hoffmann clarified that this project is not under Fairfax County, rather, overseen by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles under Transportation (VDOT). Director Hoffmann stated it was currently in design and stated he could send the RCA the approximations of the Soapstone Connector route. He did note that exactly where the connection would be between Sunrise Valley and Sunset Hills was not clear based on the route and that a traffic light at Sunset Hills Road would be installed, if needed. It will have pedestrian access on both sides. Director Hoffmann noted that the Wiehle Avenue study assumes the Soapstone Connector is in place by 2030. Director Hartke will attend the meeting on October 10 as Director Hoffmann will be out of town.
Fannie Mae Update
Secretary Silver stated that she had not yet heard any word on the investigation of the Proffer violations raised to Mark Goldberg, a member of Supervisor Walter Alcorn’s staff. Secretary Silver added that she has recently heard from the Ivy Oak Community, which abuts are under construction, of noise violations occurring as earlier as 5:30am. (Proffer states construction on weekdays will not commence until 7:00am.) Wheelock’s response has been that driving the trucks to the site does not constitute “construction.” Secretary Silver was going to send a follow up email to Mark Goldberg to obtain a status and would include this Proffer violation as well. Director Hartke advised that the neighbors record the noise if that would help.
RCA Newsletter
President Mulston said it might be worth combining September and October newsletter. Director Hartke suggested we have a write-up on the Soapstone Connector project, which Director Hoffmann said he would draft something by September 30. Director Hartke also suggested Board members talk with their neighbors about what they would like to hear that RCA should include in future newsletters.
Data Center Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)
President Mulston stated the ZOA went to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, who only accepted one change put forward by the Fairfax County Planning Commission—the proximity to a metro station.
No Casino Coalition Update
Director Hartke said she and President Mulston hosted a table at the Taste of Annandale event (on Saturday the 21.) Others from the Annandale area helped man the table. People who stopped by noted the impact on them with a Casino in Fairfax is transportation and cut-through traffic in Annandale to get to Tysons. They also stated it may possibly hurt businesses with people leaving to go work at the Casino to get hire pay.
The Coalition is doing more events in the future.
Director Hartke alerted the attendees of the VA Players Alliance is backed by/paid by other Casino interests. These entities have money and attend festivals with their booths with handouts. They were also a major sponsor at Taste of Annandale. Director Hartke stated that the average citizen does not know that these other interest groups are vested in having a casino in Reston. Director Hartke reiterated how important it is to get the petition signed to take to Richmond. Vice President Endsley agreed the votes are critical to outweigh the money being spent by all these groups.
President Mulston said there will be expenses coming up in the next couple of weeks (e.g., domain names expiring—want to renew as a precautionary matter). President Mulston and Director Hartke will talk about these expenses offline and come back to the Board on the domains.
Vice President Endsley said the Reston Association does have some funds that could potentially be used towards advocacy for opposition to the casino.
President Mulston mentioned that the webinar on September 18 with Leaders of County organizations was very successful. She stated they followed up with the attendees with a “toolkit” and encouraged them to use the materials as outreach to their community. President Mulston indicated she would send the webinar to the attendees.
Director Hartke made a motion to use RCA No Casino funds to pay for the McLean High School (MHS) rental (~$900). Treasurer Leighton seconded. Director Hartke clarified that this is not RCA’s money, but money that has come in to oppose the casino. Another donation may be coming in soon as well. All presented voted in favor of paying for the MHS rental.
Director Hartke noted that there are No Casino yard signs are still available, but they say “Tyson’s”. RCA wants to buy stickers/decals that say “Fairfax” to put over the Tyson’s on each sign. RCA currently has stickers with QR codes but need to order more. Vice President Endsley made the motion to spend money to approve expenditures to order stickers up to $1,000. Director Valloy seconded the motion. All present voted in favor of expending the funds.
Secretary Silver reminded the Board members of the October 27 at 3pm event at MHS and to invite people. President Mulston wants standing room only. Senator Jennifer Boysko is confirmed as guest speaker and Supervisor Walter Alcorn also confirmed that he will attend.
Update on Reston Association Matters
President Mulston and Director Hartke attended a luncheon with the new Reston Association Land Use Planner, Natalie Scerio. The purpose of the gathering was to share information and start a relationship. Director Hartke noted she was engaged and willing to listen and learn.
Treasurer Leighton mentioned that Reston Association is having a public meeting on September 26 to allow Restonians to comment on the 2025 budget. Vice President Endsley said the key questions are how much the replacement of each pool (15 total) will cost and upgrades to the trails. Vice President Endsley questions what the advocacy funds will be used for.
Golf Course Updates
Director Hartke said Wheelock (owner of Hidden Creek Golf & Tennis Club) is starting to “make noise” about developing on the golf course. President Mulston noted that Hidden Creek members are complaining about the grounds/facilities, and Wheelock is making some improvements but nothing substantial.
Other Business
- Winterfest – Director Hartke reminded everyone that last year, the RA did a Winterfest for the first year and that it is not just for RA members, although non-residents do have to pay to enter. She noted it was a success. Last year, RCA sponsored a tree, and Director Hartke asked if we wanted to do so again. President Mulston said it’s $150 charge to sponsor a tree in the “enchanted forest”. Secretary Silver made the motion to sponsor a tree and Vice President Endsley seconded the motion. All attendees voted in favor. Director Hartke said RCA will need to come up with a theme.
- Unhoused & Reston Strong – Special Committee Member, Ms. Jungenberg, provided an update and noted that the unhoused have been moved from “The Hill” in Reston. A few weeks before, she noted that she and Sarah Selvaraj-D’Souza (Reston Strong) joined with the members of the County to get a temporary overnight shelter (TOS), which may only be there until April 2025. More encampments seem to be popping up. Reston Strong serves food when they can. Dinner at the shelter is served from 5:00-7pm. Ms. Jungenberg stated there does not seem to be a viable, permanent solution to find housing for these approximately 70-75 individuals.
Director Hoffmann asked how these individuals get food every day. Ms. Jungenberg said the Embry Rucker shelter sends food to the TOS. Reston Strong volunteers also make hot food, and some grocery stores donate food.
Director Volloy asked about the core issue of how these individuals became homeless and to help solve the problem. Ms. Jungenberg said they have a different story of how they became homeless.
- Supervisor Alcorn Townhall – Vice President Endsley spoke about Supervisor Alcorn’s townhall from a few weeks ago. Supervisor Alcorn said he would likely vote with the BoS to spend the extra budget surplus and the increase the meal tax to get additional funds for Fairfax. President Mulston noted that she talked about the No Casino at the meeting on October 27 and encouraged people to attend.
President Mulston asked for a motion to end the meeting, which was made by Treasurer Leighton and seconded by Director Hoffmann. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:03pm. Next meeting on October 22 and RA CEO, Mac Cummings, will be attending.
Note: Vice President Endsley provided a written update on the Reston Association budget effort, which appears below.
The Reston Association (RA) Fiscal Committee met on September 18, 2024, to review the first draft of the 2025 RA Budget.
- The first draft of the Budget will be reviewed with the RA Board of Directors on September 26, 2024.
- Here are several Observations and comments on the first draft:
- The assessment is expected to increase.
- The 2025 Budget has included amounts for advocacy. This would include support for the NoCasino initiative.
- The amounts to be included in the Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund (RRRF) are subject to ongoing discussion.
- The payroll structure for the 100+ RA employees was reviewed by an outside consultant with their recommendations subject to ongoing review. The recommendations were based on a comparative analysis with private and governmental jurisdictions within Northern Virginia. These recommendations involved establishing payroll classes and compensation groups within each class.
- The primary focus for capital will continue to be the pool complexes (15) and RA’s trail system.
Addendum: On October 7, 2024, President Mulston Fairfax County Chairman McKay and the other BoS member a response from the RCA regarding LDS LTI: Proposed Amendments to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance on Coastal Resilience and Adaptation to Sea Level Rise, and Preservation of Mature Trees.
Addendum: On October 7, 2024, the RCA emailed the October RCA Newsletter to subscribers.