The Board of Directors (Board) meeting of the Reston Citizens Association (RCA) was a Zoom meeting held on September 22, 2021.  President Mulston called the meeting to order at 7:31 pm.

Attendees were: Lynne Mulston, President; Gary Maupin, Vice-President; Shawn Endsley, Secretary; Joe Leighton, Treasurer; Vincent Dory; Connie Hartke; Yavuz Inanli and Brian Steiner.  Director Dennis Hays joined the Zoom meeting at 8:30 pm.  President Mulston determined that a quorum was present and the meeting could proceed.  Colin Mills from the Reston Accessibility Committee (RAC) attended as a guest.

Adoption of Agenda – President Mulston asked for adoption of the agenda.  Upon motion made by Treasurer Leighton seconded by Secretary Endsley, the Board unanimously approved the proposed agenda.

Approval of Minutes – President Mulston then asked for approval of the minutes of the August 17, 2021 meeting, as amended.  Upon motion made by Director Hartke and seconded by Vice-President Maupin, the Board unanimously approved the August 17, 2021 minutes as amended.

Approval of Treasurer’s Report – President Mulston asked for approval of the Treasurer’s Report.  Upon motion made by Secretary Endsley and seconded by Vice-President Maupin, the Board unanimously approved the Treasurer’s Report.

Comprehensive Plan Task Force Updates – President Mulston, Vice-President Maupin and Director Hays are members of the task force working on the Comprehensive Plan.  President Mulston noted the Task Force was on vacation in July/August and the Task Force resumed its efforts in September.

President Mulston is the lead for the Land Use sub-group.  President Mulston along with Planning Commissioner John Carter met with the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Development (DPD) to discuss the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.  President Mulston characterized the meeting with the Fairfax County Staff as very productive.

President Mulston noted that Supervisor Alcorn is looking for a new name to identify Reston Town Center North in the Comprehensive Plan.  No new name has been identified to date.  The next planned meeting of the Task Force is September 27, 2021.

Vice-President Maupin commented that the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan are continuing to be completed.  Vice-President Maupin had no further comments on the other sub-groups.

Both President Mulston and Vice-President Maupin indicated that the goal is to be finished with the Comprehensive Plan by the end of 2021.

On an overall basis both Vice-President Maupin and Director Hartke indicated that maintenance of the green space in Reston is of critical importance as the Comprehensive Plan moves to completion.

Golf Courses Update

Director Hartke reported that the interview with Supervisor Alcorn has been posted to the Rescue Reston website:   Supervisor Alcorn discusses the two Reston Golf Courses.

Reston National Golf Course (RNGC) – Director Hartke noted that Developer/Owners War Horse Cities and Weller Development, which fund the “Reston National Neighborhood Study Group” hosted a wine and cheese event for the residents of the Faraday Park apartments near the Wiehle Metro.  Rescue Reston believes “this tactic is in anticipation of filing a Site-Specific Plan Amendment (SSPA) during next year’s open season called the SSPA.”  It is also expected that there will be a tent show for the single-family homes surrounding RNGC.  Director Hartke noted that comments have been made that the developers will build “affordable housing” as part of their development plans although this would not be low-income housing.  All of these efforts appear to be working toward a nomination for a SSPA as another avenue to get the Comprehensive Plan opened for the RNGC property.

The SSPA process for the northern part of Fairfax County is expected in 2022.  Details on the SSPA can be found at:  https:/ Fairfax County website details the process for the review and acceptance of an SSPA.  Ultimately an SSPA needs to be reviewed by the Planning Commission and submitted to the Board of Supervisors for approval.  (While any SSPA needs the approval of the entire Board of Supervisors, Supervisor Alcorn’s opinion would carry considerable weight.)

Hidden Creek Golf Course (HCCC) – President Mulston reported that the Wheelock representative had undergone surgery.  There was no other development information on HCCC.  President Mulston noted that a charitable campaign, the Wounded Warriors Golf Classic, was being held at HCCC.  Over the past 8 years this event has raised approximately $500,000 for charity.

President Mulston noted that attorneys for both golf course owners are meeting with Fairfax County staff.  These activities seem to lend credence to the assumption that an SSPA will be pursued for both golf courses in 2022.  These activities need to be closely watched.

Reston Association (RA) Updates – President Mulston indicated that there had been no response from RA on our letter regarding the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) search criterion.  It was noted that Larry Butler has been named acting CEO as the search for CEO commences.  Treasurer Leighton noted that the Committee to supervise the search has not been constituted.  There was a brief discussion on RA’s personnel issues that include no CEO, CFO and IT Director (who recently resigned).

Other Business –

RAC Nomination – Colin Mills from RAC asked for the Board’s support to nominate RAC for the 2021 Martha Glenna Disability Inclusion and Equality Award from the Fairfax Area –  Disability Services Board.  Mr. Mills indicated that RAC and Ken Fredgren had been working for over 13 years on supporting individuals with disabilities in Fairfax County.  The Fairfax Area – Disability Services Board’s Martha Glennan Disability Inclusion and Equality Awards are presented annually to recognize people, businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and other organizations that excel in demonstrating a commitment to promoting equal rights and community inclusion for people with disabilities in the Fairfax area and how people with disabilities have significantly benefitted from their efforts.  Nominations for this award are due by October 15, 2021.

Director Hartke motioned that:  The Reston Citizens Association nominate the Reston Accessibility Committee (RAC) for the Martha Glennan Disability Inclusion and Equality Award.  Treasurer Leighton seconded the motion and the Board unanimously approved proceeding with the nomination.  Colin Mills agreed to prepare the nomination for submission to the Fairfax Area – Disability Services Board.  President Mulston noted that she would be unavailable from October 1st through October 14th, 2021 and asked Secretary Endsley to submit the nomination on behalf of the Board.  Colin Mills agreed to submit the nomination to Secretary Endsley for submission.

Candidate Forum – District 36 – President Mulston asked if the Board would support a candidate’s forum for House of Delegates District 36.  Incumbent Delegate Ken Plum (D) is opposed by Matthew Lang (R).  The Board supported a Zoom candidate’s forum given the current impact of the pandemic.  The tentative date for the forum would be October 20, 2021.  Director Dory agreed to handle the logistics of this forum.  The Board suggested a formal letter be sent to both candidates with copies to the appropriate media outlets.  Using the past supervisor forum as a model Director Dory would work with Director Hays as the moderator and determine the specific logistics of the virtual forum.  Director Dory would also work with President Mulston on the formal invitation.

Other Matters – Director Inanli noted three items for the Board’s consideration.

  • Director Inanli noted that Fairfax County had recently approved a 5¢ tax on plastics bags.  There was a brief discussion on whether RCA should prepare a letter regarding the 5¢ tax.  No consensus was reached.
  • Director Inanli noted that the Commonwealth of Virginia was providing access to a website that would provide proof of an individual’s vaccination status.
  • Finally, Director Inanli noted that the Board should be aware that the extension of the Metro Silver Line and the timing of hand over to WMATA is ongoing and should be watched.

Closing – President Mulston indicated the next meeting of the Board would be on October 27, 2021 at 7:30 pm.  President Mulston then asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 pm.  Upon motion made by Director Dory and seconded by Vice-President Maupin the Board unanimously agreed to adjourn.