Board Meeting – On May 28, 2024, President Mulston called to order the meeting of the Board of Directors (Board) of Reston Citizens Association (RCA) at 7:30 pm.  This was an in-person and Zoom meeting.

Attendees were Lynne Mulston, President (via Zoom); Gary Maupin Vice-President; Joe Leighton (via Zoom), Treasurer; Shawn Endsley, Secretary; Connie Hartke; Dennis Hays (arrived 7:31 pm); Rich Hoffmann (via Zoom); Stephanie Oliver; and Gerald Volloy.  Michele Silver was absent.  President Mulston determined that a quorum of 8 of 10 members at 7:30 pm was present and the meeting could proceed.

The following guests attended the meeting either in person or via Zoom.  Attending in person was Sophia Jungenberg.  Attending via Zoom was Cynthia Shang.

Adoption of Agenda – President Mulston asked for adoption of the agenda.  Upon motion made by Director Volloy, and seconded by Director Oliver, the Board unanimously approved the proposed agenda.

Approval of Minutes – President Mulston asked for approval of the minutes of the April 23, 2024, Board meeting.  Upon motion made by Director Hays, and seconded by Vice-President Maupin, the Board approved the minutes of the April 23, 2024, Board meeting by a vote of 8 to 0 with one abstention (Director Hoffmann).

Approval of Treasurer’s Report – President Mulston then asked for approval of the Treasurer’s Report.  Upon motion made by Secretary Endsley and seconded by Vice-President Maupin, the Board approved the Treasurer’s Report by a vote of 8 to 0 with one abstention (Director Hartke).

Data Center Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA) – Cynthia Shang – President Mulston introduced Cynthia Shang, President of Save Pleasant Valley, to discuss data centers within Fairfax County.  Ms. Shang noted that the Fairfax County (County) Planning & Development (P&D) Staff had issued a Staff Report dated May 17, 2024, (May P&D Staff Report) on Data Centers in anticipation of hearings before the Planning Commission on June 5, 2024, at 7:00 pm and the Board of Supervisors (BoS) on July 16, 2024, at 4:00 pm.  The result of these hearings is to determine if a ZOA relating to data centers will be approved.  The ZOA revises the permissions and adds or revises the use-specific standards for data centers to address issues of compatibility with surrounding uses, noise, and aesthetics. (Source- May P&D Staff Report).  The zoning for data centers is either By Right or Special Exception.  A By Right zoning permission means that a data center is allowed without special approval so long as the development meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance.  A Special Exception zoning permission means that the development will require specific approval by the BoS.  Changes were proposed for Zoning Districts C-3 (Office), C-4 (High Intensity Office), I-2 (Low intensity Industrial), I-3 (Light Intensity Industrial), I-4 (Medium Intensity Industrial), I-5 (General Industrial), and I-6 (Heavy Industrial).  The May P&D Staff is proposing to eliminate By Right permission for data centers in zoning districts Planned Residential Community (PRC), Planned Development Commercial (PDC) and Planned Tysons Corner Urban (PTC).  Any proposed data centers in these areas would require Special Exception permission.  The May P&D Staff Report also identified new and revised standards for equipment screening/enclosures, maximum building size, setbacks from residential areas, distance from a Metro stop, noise studies and building design standards.

Ms. Shang noted that there are still issues with the May P&D Staff Report.  Those issues include (1) allowing By Right permission in a rapidly changing industry versus only allowing Special exceptions for all data centers.  (2) Certain zoning districts (I-5 and I-6) are adjacent to residential areas.  (3) The setback from residential areas is arbitrary. (4) The air and water quality issues cannot be addressed by the ZOA.  The Commonwealth regulates these issues.  (5) The electricity requirements are not addressed as these issues are also regulated at the state level.  (6) Noise issues do not appear to be adequately addressed.

Ms. Shang noted that there was a minimal likelihood of data centers being developed in Reston, she was asking RCA to endorse the request for changes to the ZOA.  Ms. Shang did respond to questions from directors.  One question asked was whether there was a BoS champion for changes to the ZOA.  Ms. Shang subsequently responded that there was currently no BoS champion that had come forth.  President Mulston thanked Ms. Shang for her information.  At this time, the Board took no action on the Data Center ZOA.

Actions Subsequent to Board Meeting – President Mulston requested Board approval for RCA’s position on the Data Center ZOA to be presented at the Planning Commission hearing on June 5, 2024. The Board unanimously approved RCA’s position that President Mulston presented to the Planning Commission on June 5, 2024.

NoCasino Coalition Update – President Mulston and Directors Hays and Hartke updated the Board on the status of the coalition to prevent a casino in the County.  Both the pro- and anti-casino groups had booths at ViVa Vienna.  The Pro-Casino group is being supported by Comstock and the potential casino operators.  Both President Mulston and Director Hartke noted that a public relations expert is helping the NoCasino Coalition.  The Virginia legislature is currently in recess but will return in early 2025.  The status of the casino legislation will resume.  There was discussion about the financing of the NoCasino Coalition efforts.  The NoCasino Coalition will continue to meet to assess potential actions prior to the 2025 legislative session.

Homeless in Reston Update – President Mulston introduced Sophia Jungenberg who has agreed to be the Committee Lead and liaison to Reston Strong.  Ms. Jungenberg is unable to commit to a director position but is willing to work as a committee lead and liaison.  President Mulston read for the Board the RCA press release outlining RCA’s position on the homeless in Reston.  President Mulston and Director Hartke pledged to mentor Ms. Jungenberg as she undertakes her new responsibilities.

Wiehle Avenue Study Committee Meeting Update – Director Hoffmann had previously attended the Wiehle Avenue Study Committee meeting and provided the Board with a summary of the results of that meeting.  Director Hoffmann indicated that he had contacted County Staff and updated the Board on the contents of his earlier memo on the Wiehle Avenue Study Committee.  Director Hoffmann noted that the alternatives presented at the meeting did consider future traffic.  Whether updated traffic information was included in the County Staff presentation was not initially clear.  Director Hoffmann indicated that there was no consideration of tunnels or bridges in the County Staff presentation.  Director Hoffmann noted that the various staff alternatives would be eliminating existing traffic lanes to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian traffic.  The County Staff presentation also assumed that Soapstone Connector would be completed.  Vice-President Maupin noted that Planning Commissioner John Carter was a transportation expert and would be helpful in analyzing the County Staff information.  Further Community meetings are planned.

After the Board meeting Director Hoffmann was working to schedule a meeting with Tim Kutz, a Transportation Planner with the County Department of Transportation.  Director Hoffmann asked interested Board members to let him know if they would like to attend that meeting.

RCA Newsletter – President Mulston indicated that J Orisha had volunteered to develop a periodic RCA Newsletter outlining the activities of the Board.  Additional details will be forthcoming as the RCA Newsletter is prepared.

Reston Town Center North (RTCN) Update – Director Hays noted that there was little activity for RTCN.  Director Hays informed the Board that the Reston Regional Library renovations would start June 28th and last for 10 weeks.  No alternative location had been provided.

Vice-President Maupin noted that a new traffic light was being installed at New Dominion Parkway and Explorer Street near the Reston Town Center.  The Reston Town Center Association had provided the funding.  The traffic light is expected to be operational in July.

Golf Course Updates – President Mulston and Director Hartke indicated that there were no new developments impacting either Hidden Creek Country Club (HCCC) or Reston National Golf Course.

Other Business

            Special Guest – June Meeting – President Mulston asked the Board to consider a special guest for the June meeting.  Vice-President Maupin suggested that Planning Commissioner John Carter be invited for the June Meeting.  Mac Cummins, Reston Association Chief Executive Officer, would be considered as a special guest for the July meeting.  The Board consensus was to invite Planning Commissioner John Carter to the June meeting due to his availability.

            County Budget – The BoS approved the 2024/2025 County budget without making significant changes.  Secretary Endsley noted that there are significant future financial issues impacting the County that should be subject to the Board’s review and input.  These issues would be a matter for future Board discussion.

Adjourn – President Mulston asked that the next meeting of the Board be scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, 2024, as a dinner meeting at HCCC.  Then at 9:05 pm President Mulston asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Upon motion made by Vice-President Maupin and seconded by Director Hartke, the Board unanimously approved the motion to adjourn.