Board Meeting – On March 20, 2024, President Mulston called to order the meeting of the Board of Directors (Board) of Reston Citizens Association (RCA) at 7:30 pm.  This was an in-person and Zoom meeting.

Attendees were Lynne Mulston, President; Joe Leighton, Treasurer; Shawn Endsley, Secretary; Connie Hartke; Dennis Hays; Rich Hoffmann; Michele Silver; and Gerald Volloy.  All were present in person.  Gary Maupin, Vice-President, was absent.  President Mulston determined that a quorum of 8 of 9 members was present and the meeting could proceed.

The following guests attended the meeting either in person or via Zoom.  Attending in person were Izzy Santa and Jalal Mapar, candidates for At-Large Director of the Reston Association (RA) and Margaret Perry, candidate for the Apartment Owner’s Representative on the RA Board.  Attending via Zoom were Darin M. Skelly, candidate for RA At-Large Director, Linda McCann-Ovington, candidate for RA Apartment Owner’s Representative, Sara McCue, Bill Roundtree, and Julie Bitzer.

Adoption of Agenda – President Mulston asked for adoption of the agenda.  Upon motion made by Treasurer Leighton, and seconded by Director Volloy, the Board unanimously approved the proposed agenda.

Approval of Minutes – President Mulston asked for approval of the minutes of the February 27, 2024, Board meeting.  Upon motion made by Director Hoffmann, and seconded by Treasurer Leighton, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the February 27, 2024, Board meeting.

Approval of Treasurer’s Report – President Mulston then asked for approval of the Treasurer’s Report.  Upon motion made by Secretary Endsley and seconded by Director Volloy, the Board unanimously approved the Treasurer’s Report.

Welcome Special Guests – 2024 RA Board Candidate – President Mulston then introduced each of the candidates for the RA Board.  Candidates Jalal Mapar, Izzy Santa, and Darin M. Skelly are running for a three-year term as an At-Large Director (of which two candidates would be elected).  Candidates Linda Mcann-Ovington and Margaret Perry are running as the Apartment Owner’s Representative for a two-year term on the RA Board.  President Mulston then explained that there would be a roundtable discussion with the candidates and the Board.  President Mulston noted that each candidate should note their time in Reston, what got them interested in serving on the RA Board and what are their expectations for the future.

President Mulston then explained that each member of the Board would acquaint the candidates with their background and their reasons for joining the Board.

Candidate Presentations – Jalal Mapar outlined his employment background including his time in the Senior Executive Service with the federal government that provided experience relevant to dealing with the issues impacting RA.  Mr. Mapar noted he had lived in Reston intermittently starting in 1989 and then full-time since 1992.  Mr. Mapar is currently serving on the RA Board after having been appointed to complete the remaining term of an open director position.  Mr. Mapar identified collaboration within and without the RA Board as an essential element for the future of RA.  In addition, Mr. Mapar noted that RA needs to demonstrate its power with the resulting favorable impact on RA.

Izzy Santa noted that she had moved to Reston in 2014 and her extended family lives in Reston.  Ms. Santa outlined her activities meeting with groups and individuals throughout Reston as part of her education about RA and its place in the community.  Ms. Santa noted that RA needs to increase its use of technology to engage members.  Ms. Santa also expressed concern about the level of RA’s assessments.

Darin Skelly explained that he was a nineteen-year Reston resident with a family of five.  Mr. Skelly outlined his business background as both a government employee and vice-president of a Reston based Fortune 500 company.  Mr. Skelly noted that this experience provided him with experience in budgets and consensus development.  Mr. Skelly also expressed concerns about the level of RA assessments and its impact on RA’s membership.

Linda McCann-Ovington outlined her extensive non-profit and governmental employment background with various organizations over the years.  Ms. McCann Ovington noted this outside experience would allow her to contribute to RA’s future.  Ms. McCann-Ovington indicated that a change in her personal situation would allow her the time to focus on the issues important to RA.

Margaret Perry outlined that she was a long-time resident of Reston.  Ms. Perry is currently serving on the RA Board after having been appointed to complete the remaining term of an open director position.  Ms. Perry outlined her position on the current level of assessments based on her observations of RA operations.  Ms. Perry believes her experience on the RA Board will allow her to immediately contribute to RA’s future.

Board Presentations – Each member of the Board (excluding Vice-President Maupin who was absent) introduced themselves to the candidates.  Each Board member spoke about their time in Reston, their reason for joining the Board and other observations on the activities of RCA.

Roundtable Discussion – There was a lengthy discussion on how new residential development in Reston should become members of RA.  There was also discussion of the historical reasons for the exclusion of new development in RA membership.  The Board also asked the candidates to consider how the surplus accumulated by the Reston Community Center (RCC) through the Small District 5 property tax could be used for the benefit of Reston residents.  RCA’s information sheet on this tax was noted.  See These matters should be considered given Supervisor Alcorn’s approved request to direct the Fairfax County Executive’s office to coordinate with the Hunter Mill District office to develop an inventory of Reston community-level services and infrastructure, and to include who is responsible for those services and infrastructure, and how they are funded.

Given the time constraints for the candidate roundtable President Mulston asked each candidate to spend two minutes summarizing the reasons they should be elected to the RA Board.  President Mulston then thanked each candidate for their participation and noted that RCA welcomed future collaboration with the RA Board on mutual issues such as opposition to a casino in Fairfax County.  President Mulston also invited those candidates not being elected to the RA Board to consider joining RCA to further support the residents of Reston.

Other Business – Given the time constraints President Mulston deferred discussion of the Hunt Club Cemetery to the April Board meeting.

Adjourn – President Mulston asked that the next meeting of the Board be scheduled for Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at 7:30 pm.  Then at 9:01 pm President Mulston asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Director Hoffmann moved to adjourn the meeting with a second from Director Hays.  The Board unanimously approved the motion.

Actions Prior to Board Meeting – On March 19, 2024, President Mulston testified before the Board of Supervisors in opposition to a casino in Tysons (See Attachment No. 1).  Before that testimony President Mulston solicited via email the Board’s approval of her testimony.  A Board majority approved the testimony with suggested edits which were incorporated.  Two members of the Board (Directors Hays, and Volloy) did not participate in the email approval.

Actions Subsequent to Board Meeting – President Mulston submitted to the Board on March 20, 2024, an application from Stephanie Oliver (formerly Stephanie Wood) to join the Board.  Due to time constraints the Board was unable to discuss her application (Attachment No. 2) at the March 20, 2024, meeting.  On March 22, 2024, via email President Mulston solicited the Board’s approval for Stephanie Oliver to join the Board.  By an email vote the Board unanimously approved Stephanie Oliver to join the Board as an At-Large Director.  Stephanie Oliver’s picture is included as Attachment No. 3.

On April 9, 2024, RA announced the results of the election.  Jalal Mapar and Izzy Santa were elected as At-Large Directors.  Jennifer Jushchuk was reelected as the South Lakes District Director.  Margaret Perry was elected as the Apartment Owners’ Representative.  Subsequently, RA announced the following Officers of the RA Board:  Jalal Mapar – President; Trevor Grywatch – Vice-President; Izzy Santa – Secretary; and Robert Petrine – Non-Board Member Treasurer.