Board Meeting – On April 23, 2024, President Mulston called to order the meeting of the Board of Directors (Board) of Reston Citizens Association (RCA) at 7:30 pm.  This was an in-person and Zoom meeting.

Attendees were Lynne Mulston, President; Gary Maupin Vice-President (arrived 7:32 pm); Joe Leighton, Treasurer; Shawn Endsley, Secretary; Connie Hartke; Dennis Hays (arrived 7:33 pm); Michele Silver; Stephanie Oliver; and Gerald Volloy.  All were present in person.  Rich Hoffmann was absent.  President Mulston determined that a quorum of 7 of 10 members at 7:30 pm was present and the meeting could proceed.

The following guests attended the meeting either in person or via Zoom.  Attending in person was J Orisha.  Attending via Zoom were Sophia Jungenberg and Margaret Perry.

Adoption of Agenda – President Mulston asked for adoption of the agenda.  Upon motion made by Treasurer Leighton, and seconded by Director Volloy, the Board unanimously approved the proposed agenda.

Approval of Minutes – President Mulston asked for approval of the minutes of the March 20, 2024, Board meeting.  Upon motion made by Treasurer Leighton, and seconded by Director Volloy, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the March 20, 2024, Board meeting.

Approval of Treasurer’s Report – President Mulston then asked for approval of the Treasurer’s Report.  Upon motion made by Secretary Endsley and seconded by Director Volloy, the Board unanimously approved the Treasurer’s Report.

Welcome Special Guest – Sophia Jungenberg – President Mulston introduced Sophia Jungenberg attending via Zoom to the Board.  Ms. Jungenberg had read about RCA in the Reston Letter and reached out to President Mulston expressing an interest in joining the Board.  Prior to the Board meeting President Muston and Directors Hays and Hartke met with Ms. Jungenberg to acquaint her with RCA.

President Mulston then asked each member of the Board to introduce themselves to Ms. Jungenberg with their background, time in Reston and any other information on their reasons for joining the Board.  Each director (except Director Hoffmann who was absent) provided their time in Reston, a brief review of their background and their insights into the community.

Welcome New Board Member – Stephanie Oliver – President Mulston then introduced RCA’s newest Board member, Stephanie Oliver.  Director Oliver is a two-year resident and is very much interested in serving the community.  President Mulston and the other members of the Board welcomed Director Oliver to her first Board meeting.

NoCasino Coalition Update – President Mulston and Directors Hays and Hartke updated the Board on the status of the coalition fighting to prevent a casino in Fairfax County (County).  Currently, the bill in the Virginia legislature has been deferred to the 2025 session of the legislature.  While the current bill excludes a casino in Reston, it is unknown whether that exclusion will continue into 2025.  President Mulston noted that she and Director Hartke are collaborating with sister organizations throughout the County to build a coalition that will prevent a casino in the County.  President Mulston noted that an intentionally small steering committee has been established to guide the efforts of this coalition.  Director Hartke noted that Rescue Reston is providing access to the VoterVoice software to assist the coalition in its efforts.  President Mulston noted that collaborating with the sister organizations throughout the County will bear fruit for the future as other County-wide issues arise that need to be addressed on a broader basis.  While the legislative bill has been deferred to 2025, work on strengthening the coalition and establishing a strategy and game plan for 2025 are moving apace.  It was noted that the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) may be asked to investigate questions concerning the casino.  JLARC conducts program evaluation, policy analysis and oversight of state agencies on behalf of the Virginia General Assembly.

Transportation Update – Vice-President Maupin informed the Board that Planning Commissioner John Carter has been placed in charge of a Planning Commission sub-group focused on improving placemaking for open space and streets in the County.  Placemaking is a collaborative process for shaping open spaces and streets to maximize shared values and strengthen the connection between people and places.  This initiative is expected to impact future development and retrofit existing infrastructure when necessary.  Commissioner Carter is looking for support from RCA as he leads this sub-group.  Vice-President Maupin noted that there are many intersections within the County that are clearly unsafe when compared to other urban areas.  Vice-President Maupin agreed to be the liaison between RCA and Commissioner Carter.  Vice-President Maupin noted that Commissioner Carter would be unable to meet with the Board until July due to Commissioner Carter’s travel schedule.

Reston Town Center North (RTCN) Update – Director Hays noted that there was little activity for RTCN.  Director Hays did note that renovations are planned for the Reston Regional Library.  There are issues as to whether a subsidiary location would be available for library patrons as the current facility undergoes renovation.  It was noted that unhoused people continue to be encamped on County property just south of Baron Cameron Avenue, west of Fountain Drive and north of Sunrise at Reston Town Center.  Fairfax County Supervisor Walter Alcorn is looking for shelter for those individuals encamped on County property.

The Task Force for RTCN led by Kate Hanley, former Chair of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, has determined the priorities for RTCN; however, funding for those priorities will not be forthcoming in the immediate future except for the renovation of the Reston Regional Library as noted above.

Golf Course Updates – With respect to Reston National Golf Course (RNGC) Director Hartke noted that Scott Plank is the only developer left.  There has been no further activity with respect to RNGC.

President Mulston noted that the owners of Hidden Creek Country Club (HCCC) have been making investments in HCCC. There has been no other activity with respect to HCCC.

Site Specific Plan Amendments (SSPAs) were submitted for both golf courses.  Supervisor Alcorn rejected both requests and no further activity is expected for this SSPA cycle.

Other Business

            Hunt Club Cemetery – Director Hartke introduced J Orisha, a George Mason University research assistant, working on her doctoral dissertation.  Ms. Orisha is doing research on the history of Reston including the legacy of enslaved individuals in the community.  This research includes information on the Hunt Club Cemetery.  Ms. Orisha may request that RCA sponsor her as she progresses with her research.  Ms. Orisha is looking for any historical information that Directors can provide as she pursues her research.  Ms. Orisha’s contact information is below:

J Orisha
Graduate Research Assistant
Center for Social Science Research (CSSR)
George Mason University
Mailing Address: 4400 University Drive, MSN 1H5, Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (904) 297-8230

            County Budget – Secretary Endsley noted that in his private capacity he had participated in Supervisor Alcorn’s town hall on the 2024/2025 County Budget.  In addition, Secretary Endsley had sent an email with questions for Supervisor Alcorn to consider.  Secretary Endsley did note that the 2024/2025 budget discussions had received media attention.  The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to approve the budget on May 7th

Adjourn – President Mulston asked that the next meeting of the Board be scheduled for Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 7:30 pm.  Then at 8:48 pm President Mulston asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Upon motion made by Treasurer Leighton and seconded by Vice-President Maupin, the Board unanimously approved the motion to adjourn.