News and Updates
Upcoming Public Input Meetings on Libraries
As promised, we are keeping track of the opportunities for you to speak up about the future of our County libraries. The meetings below are the ones that have been scheduled so far. As more meetings are scheduled, we will keep you posted. Monday, September...
Minutes from August RCA Board Meeting
Minutes Reston Citizens Association Board of Directors Meeting August 26, 2013 Location: Reston Community Center Attendees: Colin Mills, Sridhar Ganesan, Connie Hartke, Gary Walker, Tammi Petrine, John Hanley, George Kain, Joe Leighton, Terry Maynard, Gary...
Draft Agenda for September RCA Board Meeting
DRAFT Agenda RCA Board of Directors Meeting September 23, 2013 7:30 PM RCC Hunters Woods Item Time Topic Disposition Presenters 1 7:30 PM Adopt Agenda Action John Hanley, RCA Board 2 7:35 PM Approve August 2013 Minutes Action Connie Hartke 3 7:40 PM Treasurer’s...
A Key Win for Our Libraries
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. In Fairfax County, we love our libraries. That was never more apparent than last Wednesday, when the Library Board of Trustees met to consider the “Beta Plan” proposed by library...
Library Board Suspends Beta Plan, Calls For Public Input
We spoke, and the Library Board of Trustees listened. In August, RCA passed a resolution opposing the proposed “Beta Plan” that called for fewer and less qualified staff at Fairfax County libraries. The proposed changes generated an enormous public outcry;...
Turning Reston’s Plan Into Reality
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. The Reston Master Plan Task Force met again last night to discuss the the Comprehensive plan prepared by County staff. As you know, RCA had many serious concerns about the last...
Reston 2020 Focuses on Draft Comprehensive Plan Language
By Terry Maynard Over the last month, RCA’s Reston 2020 Committee has focused on the first complete draft of the proposed new Reston Master Plan for the transit station areas, so-called Draft Version 5. The committee found the draft plan unacceptable. In...
Fairfax County Library Cuts: A Librarian’s Perspective
The following comments about the Fairfax County Public Library Strategic Plan and the proposed "Beta Plan" are provided by Diane Lewis, a librarian and former RCA Board member. RCA opposed the Beta Plan and called for a rewriting of the Library Strategic Plan in...
Report on Task Force Master Planning Sub-Group Meeting, September 4
The Reston Master Plan Task Force held a special meeting on Thursday to discuss potential changes to the Comprehensive Plan draft. RCA’s Dick Rogers wrote up a report on the meeting, which appears below. If you want to see the latest draft and share your...
Service and the Next Generation
This post by RCA President Colin Mills was originally published in Reston Patch. I’ve always been a political junkie. Washington didn’t have a baseball team when I was a kid, so the Caps, Skins, and politics were my favorite local sports. When I was 13,...