News and Updates
A Stroll Through Spring
By RCA President Colin Mills There’s just something about this time of year. As the days get longer and temperatures start to creep upward from the winter (an unusually long and cold one this year), my mind and body both feel the urge to wander. I don’t...
Information Please
By RCA President Colin Mills If you read this column on a regular basis, chances are you like to keep up with Reston community issues. You’re probably better versed on what’s going on than most Restonians. And that’s great; the more citizens that we have...
ResTown Hall Meeting on Baron Cameron: April 7
ResTown Hall Meeting Creating a Community Response to The Draft Baron Cameron Park Master Plan Buzz Aldrin ES Cafeteria, 7-9 PM, April 7, 2014 Presented by the RCA Reston 2020 Committee • RCA’s Reston 2020 Committee invites fellow...
Approved Minutes from February RCA Meeting
Minutes for RCA Board of Directors Meeting February 24, 2014 Those attending included: Colin Mills, John Hanley, Gary Walker, Tammi Petrine, Sridhar Ganesan (who left mid-meeting for a business trip), Connie Hartke, Joe Leighton, George Kain, Terry Maynard, and...
Draft Agenda for March RCA Meeting
REVISED DRAFT Agenda RCA Board of Directors Meeting March 24, 2014 National Realty Building 11890 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA Item Time Topic Disposition Presenters 1 7:30 PM Adopt Agenda Action Colin Mills, RCA Board 2 7:35 PM Approve February 2014 Minutes...
RCA Wants Your Thoughts on Baron Cameron Plan
By RCA President Colin Mills According to the Chinese zodiac, 2014 is the “Year of the Horse.” But in Reston, it seems like it’s shaping up to be the “Year of the Master Plan.” In February, the Board of Supervisors approved changes to Reston’s Master Plan...
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Did you know that RCA has a Facebook page? If you like our page, you'll get all of our updates to the website right in your Facebook feed, as well as links to articles about RCA or Reston issues and more. It's the best way to stay up to date on RCA's activities....
Reflections on Kathy Kaplan’s Citizen of the Year Ceremony
By RCA President Colin Mills When RCA revived the Citizen of the Year award in 2008, we intended to spotlight the terrific work done by community volunteers who too often go unrecognized. This year’s selection, Kathy Kaplan, definitely falls in that...
Soapstone Connector: Good Work In Progress
By RCA President Colin Mills Spring and the Silver Line opening both feel a long way away right now. When you’re digging out from the latest snowstorm and reading about MWAA’s declaration that the line isn’t ready for turnover to Metro, it’s hard to convince...
Reston 2020 Update on Soapstone Connector
The following update on the Soapstone Drive Connector Project was prepared by RCA Vice President John Hanley on March 1, 2014. 1. SCOPE, TIMING AND COST The Soapstone Drive Connector Project, #15 in the Fairfax County (FC) Revised Recommended Priority Project List, is...