RCA Board of Directors Meeting
August 28th, 2017
National Realty Building

Those attending included: Nick Georgas, Moira Callaghan, John Hanley, Dennis Hays, Joe Leighton, Hank Schonzeit, Annmarie Swope, and Isabel Santa. Connie Hartke arrived at 8 pm.
Absent were: Lynne Mulston, Yavuz Inanli, Charles Dorfeuille, and Patrice McGinn
Guest: Julie Bitzer

Meeting called to order at 7:32 PM

  1. Adopt Preliminary Agenda – Based on a motion by Joe and a second by Annmarie the agenda was unanimously adopted by those in attendance.
  2. The July RCA Meeting Minutes – Based on a motion by a second by Joe, with Hank and Nick abstaining, the minutes were approved by those in attendance. Hank, Annmarie, and Nick abstained.
  3. Treasurer’s Report – The group discussed the accessibility committee and what the RCA funds go towards. Based on a motion by Hank and a second by Isabel the Treasurer’s report previously approved as distributed by all members in attendance.
  4. Approve By-Law Changes – Joe went over discussions with the SCC about voting members and discrepancies with the application. Joe will send the information to the group for further review before any response is provided for the inquiry. Dennis discussed a “sustaining members program” and the importance to keep RCA funded and moving forward. Having different levels of financial donations would be beneficial to fundraising activities. The group agreed that this would be a good idea to proceed with.
    1. The potential for a term of office revision was discussed. Dennis called for a vote on a change to term limits. The vote for three year terms received four votes (Hank, Nick, John, Joe); the vote for a two year term received three votes (Moira, Isabel, Annmarie). The three year term limit will remain.  
  5. Committee Assignments – Dennis will resend the committee assignment email to the group for discussion in September. Each committee will need a chairperson and co-chairperson by the September meeting.
  6. Library Issues – Dennis has had ongoing discussions with Library Trustees about how things could be done differently. The biggest item was the County dropping their fight to attain the assets of the various Friends of the Library groups. Dennis will send his final version of proposed changes to the group later in September. The other issue discussed was the future of RTC North Blocks seven and eight. The winning developer will be announced in February.
  7. PRC and Sponsored Meeting – Hank discussed the previous PRC meetings and the new fourth meeting proposed by Supervisor Hudgins on September 25th. RCA’s role was discussed and how it can impact the future of the planned amendment. Dennis has requested a meeting with Fred Seldon to discuss RCA’s plan for opposing the change. Ahead of the September 25th meeting hosted by Supervisor Hudgins, Dennis proposed a September 20th joint meeting between RCA, Reclaim Reston, Reston Association, Reston 2020, and Reston United. Dennis suggested talking points for the meeting as follows: connection between development and density, replacing missing infrastructure, height limits/density limits per parcel, and how density is counted. Various speakers were discussed such as a social worker representative and school representative.
  8. License Plate Update – Moira updated the group that checks were starting to be mailed out to former supporters of the program. There will be further discussion on what to do with returned money or addresses that couldn’t be found. Hank offered to research new addresses for those that could not be found.
  9. Hook Road – Connie discussed the upcoming Hook Road meeting on 8/29 at RA. Joe stated he will attend on behalf of RCA.
  10. SCC Update Homeowners Group – Joe said that the SCC paperwork was approved after lengthy discussion.
  11. RNGC Update – Connie spoke about potential investors that have shown interest in the golf course property due to it being back on the market. Fairfax County, Reston Association, and Rescue Reston are still working together to oppose any redevelopment plans of the golf course. Donations by the board are voluntary. Connie proposed a motion that RCA sponsor a high school golf team for the Rescue Reston golf tournament. Hank seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.  
  12. Other Business
    1. Hank was appointed to the Reston area transportation committee.
    2. Connie requested that RCA author another article for Around Reston. The article would be due on the 20th of September. The request was for an article about the future density increase to the PRC Zoning.
    3. There is a drop in event at the Lake House about pools on September 10th.
    4. Moira asked that the file sharing structure be redone so that there is a more centralized location for file sharing.
  13. Location and Time of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be September 26th, 2017 at 7:30 at the Hartke Building. Isabel made a motion to adjourn the meeting and John seconded it. The motion was unanimously approved by all those in attendance.