We welcome volunteers! We are all OneReston and every group’s input is valued.
Land Use/Comprehensive Plan, transportation and traffic matters, affordable housing, etc. (RTCN, PRC, Lake Anne, Small Tax District 5, etc.)
Reston Livability
Open space, Parks and Recreation. Library, Education, Athletic facility, etc.
Connie Hartke, Dennis Hays
Reston Outreach
Reston 411, Press and Media, Citizen of the Year, Forums and Seminars, Alliances, etc.
Lynne Mulston, Connie Hartke
Lynne Mulston, Connie Hartke, Lisa White
By-laws, elections, membership, finance
Joe Leighton, Dennis Hays
Election Committee
Rich Hoffman
Reston’s Unhoused Committee
Sophia Jungenberg
Reston Accessibility
– an independent committee within RCA
Ken Fredgren, Colin Mills, Cynthia Willer, Yvonne Unyoung Park, Joe Leighton
Rescue Reston
– independent but joining with RCA in defending Reston’s two green Open Space Golf Courses
Citizens Opposed to a Fairfax County Casino
– a special project of RCA, now joined with other County Citizens Associations