Reston Citizens Association
Board of Directors Meeting
August 26, 2013
Location:  Reston Community Center
Attendees:  Colin Mills, Sridhar Ganesan, Connie Hartke, Gary
Walker, Tammi Petrine, John Hanley, George Kain, Joe Leighton, Terry Maynard,
Gary Lee Thomas, Dick Rogers

Agenda:  On a motion by Joe Leighton, seconded by Tammi,
the Board unanimously accepted the revised draft agenda. Gary Lee Thomas
requested more time to be allotted in future on “other business.”  To be considered.
Motion to add Terry Maynard as Corporate
Secretary was unanimously approved.
Motion to adopt secretary rotation
– George Kain clarified that an acting secretary may audio record the meeting
rather than write or type – both unanimously approved.
August Meeting Minutes:  The draft minutes, as revised, were approved.  Discussed and agreed to record who voted how
when votes aren’t unanimous  in the
Treasurer’s Report,
RCA Accounts:
  Treasurer Joe Leighton
provided the Treasurer’s Report which was approved as written. Some Board
members have added minor amounts to keep bank accounts above levels that accrue
bank fees.  Also discussed:
  •        Suggest consolidating 2 bank accounts (20/20 and
    Accessibility) into main account.
    Leighton stated that the previous Treasurer concurred with this plan.
  •         Keep
    license plate account separate.
      Terry Maynard
    suggests tabling discussion until next month.
    Tammi  Petrine seconds – unanimous.

Task Force: RCA
Statement, Next Steps
:  Terry Maynard
talked about importance of focusing on RTF allies who might vote with us on 2
issues being voted on at 9/10 mtg. 
Discussed Farmers Market presence.
Library Beta Test:  Sridhar Ganesan spoke in support of moving
toward e-books.  Mr. Ganesan questioned
if the Reston Library’s operational issues is in the purview of the RCA’s
mission. He questioned that if the RCA was concerned about protecting specific
jobs at the Library, then “where would it end?”  Several members affirmed that is not the
concern so much as the destroying of books that could be useful to others.  Sridhar G. left the meeting at 8:45 p.m. for
another commitment.  The final concern
discussed is the definition of a Beta Plan. 
Very different than a pilot which can be changed or stopped after
evaluation.  Terry Maynard motioned to
approve RCA Library resolution.   Nine
members voted to approve with one opposed vote by Gary Lee Thomas.  Mr. Thomas voted No because there was no
lead-time to read the supporting paper on the topic which was drafted hours
before the RCA Board meeting, and little-to-no time to discuss the topic during
the RCA Board meeting. The RCA has a rule about providing 3 days to read and
digest the topics up for vote prior to the RCA Board meeting, and this topic
violated that lead-time.   It was
discussed and acknowledged that certain events have a  time precedence and that this was one of them due
to the timing of the upcoming BOS meeting and Library Board of Trustees
meetings which would occur before the next RCA Board meeting.  
RCC Rec Center Update:   Colin
will send out a follow up letter to RCC requesting a response to original
RA Budget:  Joe Leighton gave an evaluation of RA budget
Planning Session – Date?
:  Colin
Mills tabled discussion until October.
Election Follow-Up:
 – Dick Rogers reported on timeframe,
survey monkey limitations, and motioned to establish a committee that will
report in January 2014 so that changes can be made.  Gary seconded. Unanimously approved.
Technology report,
Blog Contributions:
   Gary Walker gave a report including that articles
regarding the task force plan are the most read (task force click throughs 55%
and 6% on accessibility story).  Our overall
click through rate has been 10% on newsletter emails.  Gary also talked about FB engagement
Meeting Space for
2014 Board Year: 
George Kain has
arranged for meeting space at no charge in the public meeting room at the Government
Center courtesy of Supervisor Cathy Hudgins. 
Motion to send letter from Colin to confirm.  2nd – Terry – unopposed.
Other business:  Gary Thomas inquired who can post as RCA to
the RCA Facebook Page and blog posts. 
Colin Mills and Gary Walker are the administrators.  Any board member can suggest content.  Gary T also requested more time be set aside
on future agendas for “other business.” 
To be considered.
Next Meeting The
next Board meeting will be held a
t 7:30 p.m. on September 23, 2013 at
RCC—Hunters Woods.   John Hanley will run the meeting in Colin
Mills’ absence due to Colin’s honeymoon.

Adjournment:  George Kain made the motion to adjourn. Colin Mills seconded and the vote
was unanimous.   The meeting was
adjourned at 9:35 p.m.