Board Meeting – On October 22, 2024, President Mulston called to order the meeting of the Board of Directors (Board) of Reston Citizens Association (RCA) at 7:30 pm. This was an in-person and Zoom meeting. (There were no Zoom attendees.)
Board Members attending in person were: Lynne Mulston, President; Shawn Endsley, Vice-President; Joe Leighton, Treasurer; Connie Hartke; Gary Maupin (arrived at 7:35 pm); and Jerry Volloy.
Directors Dennis Hays, Rich Hoffmann, J Orisha and Michele Silver were absent.
On October 17, 2024, Stepanie Oliver resigned as an RCA Director.
Mac Cummins, Reston Association (RA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) was a special guest.
Given a quorum of directors were in attendance, President Mulston determined the meeting could proceed.
Adoption of Agenda
President Mulston asked for adoption of the agenda. Upon motion made by Treasurer Leighton and seconded by Vice-President Endsley the Board unanimously approved the proposed agenda.
Approval of Minutes
President Mulston then indicated that the Board minutes for August 27, 2024, and September 24, 2024, needed to be approved by the Board. Director Volloy moved to approve the amended minutes of the August 27, 2024, Board meeting. Director Hartke seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved the amended minutes of the August 27, 2024, Board meeting. Director Volloy then moved to approve the minutes of the September 24, 2024, Board meeting. Treasurer Leighton seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved the minutes of the September 24, 2024, Board meeting.
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
President Mulston asked for adoption of the Treasurer’s Report. Vice President Endsley moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, which was seconded by Director Hartke. The Board unanimously approved the Treasurer’s Report.
Welcome Special Guest – Mac Cummins, RA CEO
President Mulston Introduced Mac Cummins, RA CEO. Mr. Cummins has been the RA CEO since 2022. Mr. Cummins then provided the Board with a summary of his prior experience and qualifications. His experience included positions with various public organizations throughout the United States. These positions included economic development experience that is directly applicable to the circumstances impacting RA. Mr. Cummins indicated that it is important to meet with the various organizations in Reston to understand how RA and those organizations can deal with the issues mutually impacting the community.
President Mulston then asked Mr. Cummins to respond to the advance questions from the Board outlined below:
- Has RA had any discussions with Supervisor Alcorn or Reston Community Center (RCC) about contributions from Small Tax District 5 (STD5)? RA has a standing item to meet with Supervisor Alcorn. It is RA’s understanding that Supervisor Alcorn is looking at the broader financial and operational responsibilities of STD5. There have not been any discussions on STD5. It is acknowledged that RA and RCC provide duplicative services.
- What incentives has RA developed to entice development along the Toll Road [previously termed the Reston Center for Industry and Government (RCIG)] to become members of the RA, and has RA received support for doing so from Supervisor Alcorn or Fairfax County? In the past there was little incentive for developers to join RA as the developers viewed membership as a financial burden. With the change in 2024 to include use of the pools and tennis court as part of the annual assessment that may become an incentive for membership. The RA Board has determined that the cost for use of RA’s facilities for non-members would be equal to the annual RA assessment. It is unknown how that policy requirement will impact the future participation from non-members. It is also important to understand how the Design Review Board (DRB) would interact with new development should the constituent elements of new development become part of RA.
- The proposed RA budget for 2025 has proposed funding for advocacy. Will those funds be used to support opposition to a casino in Fairfax County and will those funds also be used to support increasing RA’s membership from the planned development in the community? The 2025 budget is still in development and the amount of advocacy dollars has not yet been determined. Currently, RA has engaged two consulting groups. One group monitors activity in the General Assembly with respect to Homeowners’ Associations. The other consulting group was involved with the No Casino effort in Reston. The focus of these consulting groups has been the impact on RA’s membership.
- To what extent has Reston’s future planned growth been incorporated within RA’s budget and to what extent or percentage has it decreased the member assessment? Future growth has not been incorporated into the future budget. The assessment has been based on the current level of membership.
- How does the Land Use Committee of RA, the DRB, and the Reston Planning and Zoning Committee plan to work together? (This question was asked during the meeting.) This is an area of opportunity for cooperation. These groups need to work together along with the Planning Commissioner Carter and Supervisor Alcorn.
The Board expressed its thanks to Mr. Cummins for his willingness to meet with the RCA Board and to continue his interaction with the RCA Board for the mutual benefit of the residents of RA and the other residents of Reston.
President Mulston reminded the Board of the NO Casino in Fairfax Town Hall meeting at 3:00 pm on October 27, 2024, at McLean High School. State Senator Jennifer Boysko is confirmed as the guest speaker with Supervisor Walter Alcorn also expected to attend.
President Mulston then indicated the next Board meeting would be at 7:30 pm on November 19, 2024.
At 8:51 pm President Mulston asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Director Maupin moved to adjourn the meeting with a second from Director Volloy. The Board unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting.